Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Effortlessly live life with Inner Compass

Zen Cryar DeBrucke (heavenscompass.com), guest on Heaven's Compass | Coast to Coast AM, 4/3/23; Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

coasttocoastam.com needs a better host.
Discover the gift you were born with Stop the hamster wheel of life. Bring up the gift that will finally bring clarity to what you are here to do.

Register for a FREE live webinar on Saturday, April 8, 2023, 9:00 am PST. Save a spot as space is limited. It will help participants:
  • Feel your Internal Guidance System (IGS)
  • Take part in exercises that get you in touch with the guidance from your Inner Compass
  • Learn about what takes you away from your personal Heaven
  • Create your own Heaven's Path Map 
  • Get started knowing what it is you are here to create
  • More + VIDEO: heavenscompass.com
On the radio

I'm a clair-cognizant intuitive.
Teacher, author, and executive coach Zen DeBrucke (smartsoulacademy.com) is the founder of Smart Soul Academy, which makes accessible her work on the Internal Guidance System (IGS).

On April 3, she discussed how our IGS relates to our thought processes. It's "Heaven's Compass" -- a kind of gauge: It "collapses or closes when you're in a thought that's not true for you and is going to create havoc in your life, and it expands when you are having thoughts that are actually carrying towards your purpose -- your life's blueprint."

We were born with this ability to help navigate the commotion in our minds, she explained. She further detailed the compass analogy: If you're due north, you feel ecstasy and passion with your thoughts and ideas. East and west are neutral sensations. "Going south" creates panic and terror. If you're ruminating on "south" thoughts, life can be dreary or miserable, whereas "north" thoughts open up possibilities and align you with your goals.

Love and fear are the two principal archetypal energies. It's often fear that is promoted by the media, which causes us to fall off the more positive path.

In tandem with her interview, she has made available a free training video at heavenscompass.com.

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