Saturday, April 8, 2023

How I see the USA after years in Europe

How I see the US after living in Europe for five years
(David Wen) Feb. 19, 2023. UNITED STATES - What is America like after experiencing life in Europe? Everything's BIG. Consumerism. Gun violence. Homelessness. Police abuse. "What do you do for work?" This is how I see the USA after living in the Netherlands for five years. Sometimes it takes leaving a place for one to truly understand the pros and cons of that place. There are things I love and dislike about the US. Enjoy this short movie. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡³πŸ‡± David πŸ“½ 
πŸ™ TO SUPPORT MY WORK: PayPal donations: Buy me a coffee: 
😁 WHO I AM: I'm David, a Californian living in Amsterdam. I make videos about life in the Dutch world, hiking and traveling, and the Camino de Santiago. πŸ”Έ If you live in the Netherlands, I'd love to interview you and hear your story. Email:

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