Friday, May 26, 2023

Christians: Science fails us on Evolution

Answers in Genesis; Discover Science; Text by eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Our High Priests shall not be questioned!
Who dares to question the white-clad priests and patriarchs of our new state religion, Scientism? No one, except maybe the angry fundamentalist Christians those priests displaced with their anti-mystical and anti-faith rationalism. Sadly, science is often wrong but arrogant and not amenable to correction any time soon. Eventually one theory gives way to another, one ego defeats another, one view comes into fashion pushing out another, but it's a process too slow to save us. Religious abuses are legion. It's no wonder Abrahamic religions had to be shoved out and replaced with secularism. And we're all for it.

But now science, the scientific method (whatever that is deemed to be at any time by the gatekeepers in the ivory white towers of our monastery-like university with all those new and impressionable acolytes rolling through. So since religion, in this case Protestant Christians, dare to attack the unassailable bigots in white, let's let them. We assume "creationism" has to be wrong. There couldn't be any higher beings contributing to genetic manipulation, population control, culture, sacred texts, or anything else. That's all imaginary, science says. We assume "evolution" and Darwinism has to be write, no matter that most of us do not understand those life sciences like biology, physical anthropology, and archeology

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