Sunday, May 28, 2023

SUCHNESS with Alan Watts (video)

(The Middle Way) Jan. 27, 2016. "Every day is a good day. On condition that...they come one after another...and yet, there's only this one... You don't link them.⁣ ⁣ Things just do what they do. The flower goes poof, and people go this way, go that way, and so on... ⁣ ⁣ And…that’s what's happening.⁣

"It has no meaning, it has no destination, it has no value… It's just like that.⁣ And when you see that, you's a great relief. That's all it is. But then, when you are firmly established in Suchness…in that it's just this moment... You can begin again, to play with the connections.⁣ Only, you've seen through them. But now you see that they don't haunt you.

"Because you know…that there isn't any continuous you...running on from moment to moment...who originated at some time in the past and will die at some time in the future.⁣ All that's disappeared.⁣⁣ So you can have enormous fun...⁣ Anticipating the future...⁣ Remembering the past... And playing, all kinds of continuities.⁣

"To the naive person: mountains are mountains, waters are waters.⁣⁣ To the intermediate student: mountains are no longer mountains, waters are no longer waters.⁣ But for the fully perfected student: mountains are again mountains...and waters are again waters.⁣" - AlanWatts⁣.org

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