Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Vril Oracle Maria Orsic (Orsitsch)

Mart Sander, 4/6/15; Amber Larson, Pfc. Sandoval, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Maria Orsic: The Goddess of the Devil: Hitler's Medium
(Mart Sander) There were occult sources of secret Nazi super-science. The Goddess of the Devil is a historical novel by Mart Sander about a real-life figure with a turbulent life, one of the most obscure yet fascinating women of [Austria who moved to Germany to offer information downloaded from Aldebaran, another star system, to] the Third Reich.

She was the strikingly beautiful medium Maria Orsic (aka Orsitsch), pictured on the cover of the book. The Nazi Party, which has become synonymous with all things evil, had its roots deep in occult societies.

One of these -- the Thule Society -- was solely responsible for discovering and promoting Adolf Hitler, molding him from a shy, disillusioned artist and former military man into a ruthless leader.

The Thule Society had a subdivision for women: the Vril Society. This group of young women, actively practicing alternative sciences/occult arts, was led by Viennese-born Maria Orsic.

A remarkably beautiful woman [for her time, one might even say a supermodel by today's higher standards of Western beauty] with lush long hair, as was the trademark of the ladies of Vril, she was instrumental in instigating research into alternative science, actively pursued by the Nazis, which led to Germany’s unrivalled superiority in nuclear and space research.

Was everyone closely associated with Hitler and influencing him automatically evil? Was the stunning medium Maria Orsic a scheming adventuress -- or a sensitive woman burdened with extraordinary psychic powers and a vivid imagination, who found herself involuntarily in the center of the power-play of the Nazi Party, the SS, cutting edge science and international spy rings?
  • [She once presented a diagram of a working vimana or spaceship/flying saucer, written in Sumerian, to a linguist associated with the Nazi Party, who recognized it and understood that this young beauty could in no way have hoaxed it in this unknown language, of which he was an expert that could barely make it out. She did not know what she had written, as she had downloaded it -- through the "antenna" of her long hair -- from concerned otherworldly beings offering free energy to Earth to ease their plight of exhausting limited carbon fuel supplies and to receive a visit from the Vril women on their planet, somewhere in the star system of Aldebaran.]
How does it happen that talented idealists can lead a nation to insanity [as happens now in the insane warlike ambitions of the USA as happened before in Britain and Germany?]

These and other challenging questions are addressed in following Maria Orsic’s tumultuous career in this novel, covering a span of nearly forty of the most explosive years in world history, including two world wars culminating in the birth of a new era of [Western] superweapons and superpowers [because the USA invited Nazi scientists to move to the USA and practice their evil arts and sciences here].

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