Tuesday, May 23, 2023

We're not all Rednecks: The Garden Commune

My Life Online, May 23, 2021; Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Cult or Commune: Inside "The Garden" | My Life Online
(VICE) In this episode of My Life Online, VICE dives into the world of “CultTok" -- Tiktok’s obsession with cults.

After more than a decade of operating as a small off-the-grid farm, The Garden decided to try to attract more people to their commune by using TikTok, and they went viral.

A few days later, TikTok is filled with amateur detectives dedicated to exposing The Garden as a dangerous cult. But was The Garden a cult? Or was it just an online witch hunt? VICE takes a close look behind the hysteria. Read more: vice.com/en/article/5db35...

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