Friday, June 9, 2023

Going to h*ll w/Avenged Sevenfold+Pussy Riot

A7X, Pussy Riot (AP); Saint Xero, 6/6/23; ACA, 1212/19; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
This band sucks! They're a bunch of jocks who somehow made it big pretending to be Goth G'n'R.
Avenged Sevenfold is coming to LA with Pussy Riot (June 9). We have to see PR.

Come to our L.A. shows. It's an art spectacle!
It wouldn't be H*LL without anti-Putin activist Nadya of Pussy Riot fame. Avenged Sevenfold came back to Los Angeles after a long hiatus. They have a new album to push, Life is But a Dream, and they were cool enough to put Pussy Riot on the bill. Nadya, the face of the band (or anarcho-feminist-collective), has been in Los Angeles recently, opening up her new product line, a fashion statement of balaclavas (those cute, knitted masks for rioting in Russia's cold weather, kind of like our pussy cat pink caps).
A7X and Pussy Riot live in LA (June 9th, 2023)

Life is But a two minutes
A7X is very popular after the band's release of Life is But a Dream. Here it is in two minutes.

Exorcist reveals his haunting experiences
Famous Father Vinny Lampert warns Catholic kids about occult sh*t

(A Current Affair) A priest (Fr. Vincent Lampert) in the U.S. is one of the world's few Vatican-trained exorcists. He speaks about some of his most haunting experiences and why he believes exorcisms are on the rise today as religion declines. Full episodes: #ACA #TracyGrimshaw

"Mattel" (official visualizer)
(Avenged Sevenfold) The new A7X album is LIBAD, and the best song on it might be "Mattel." It was written and recorded over the span of four years and tracks from it will be heard live on Friday (6/9/23). It was inspired by the depressing writings and Western philosophy of Albert Camus with Wes Lang art encapsulating the theme of existentialism: #AvengedSevenfold #LifeIsButADream #Mattel

(The Punk Rock MBA) Finn McKenty explains rockstars A7X's success

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