Thursday, June 8, 2023

UFOs are real. ETs are real. Ask John Lear

History; John Lear, George Knapp 8 News Now; C2C; Pfc. Sandoval (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

Ancient Aliens: Top 10 Alien Encounters of 2022
(HISTORY) 14,608,007 views. Dec 15, 2022. Check out these groundbreaking extraterrestrial (ET) moments from 2022, in this Ancient Aliens compilation. The HISTORY Channel website:

(Tim Binnall, Coast to Coast, 6/9/23) Police officers in Las Vegas, Nevada, were left scratching their heads when they responded to a call from a family who claimed that there were a pair of tall space aliens in their backyard.

The bizarre incident, which came to light this week, reportedly began shortly before midnight on April 30th, 2023, when a bright object was seen falling from the sky.

Captured on a police officer's body camera, the curious event became even weirder about an hour later when a family in the city phoned 911 and relayed an astounding story.

According to the 911 caller, something landed in their backyard and two beings who appeared to be space aliens exited the object.

"There’s like an 8-foot person beside it and another one is inside," he said, "and it’s looking at us." Sensing that the dispatcher might not take the call seriously, the bewildered witness declared: "I swear to God this is not a joke" and indicated the family was "terrified" by what they were seeing.

He went on to muse that "they look like [space] aliens to us" and described the beings as having large, shiny eyes.

Despite the strangeness of the situation, authorities took the matter seriously and dispatched officers to the home to investigate.

Body camera audio-video footage from one of the cops has him marveling, "Everyone saw a shooting star then these people say there’s aliens in their backyard."

When police arrived on the scene around a half hour later, the beings and their craft had apparently departed, though the family were unwavering in their account of what had happened.

A separate witness told cops that he had seen a "creature" that stood about 10 feet tall. Officers even went so far as to stop a car that was driving down the road to ask the driver if he had seen an object fall from the sky.

"I would normally discount it as probably not real," he explained. "However, seeing as one of my partners said they saw it, too, [is] the only reason I’m investigating it further."

Ultimately, police departed the home without any answers about what happened, though they seemed to believe that the family's account was genuine.

"You guys seem like legit scared, so I don’t blame you," one officer told them and, as they were leaving the property, joked with them: "If those 9-foot beings come back, don’t call us, alright?"

Although the family says that authorities returned to the home multiple times over the next few days to investigate the matter, what exactly unfolded that night remains a mystery. Source

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