Friday, June 23, 2023

Why did God LIE in the Garden of Eden?

MythVision Podcast, 6/23/23; Sheldon S., Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
He said we would die, but that was a lie. - Why would He lie? - Why wouldn't He?

Betrayed by YHWH: The shocking lies concealed in Genesis
I will smite ye disobedient, ungrateful worms!
(MythVision Podcast) In the intricate tapestry of biblical narratives, one cannot help but observe the cunning maneuver executed by the divine character known as YHWH (aka the Judeo-Christian "God"), who played the role of a heavenly trickster in the Garden of Eden.

With eloquence befitting a master manipulator, YHWH, the supposed epitome of righteousness, spun a web of deceit around Adam and Eve, luring them into an illusory paradise.

Withholding the enlightenment that would come through the "forbidden fruit" from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, YHWH betrayed their innocence by threatening them with immediate death that same day.

I can lie. I can do anything I goddamn want.
Like a skilled magician, YHWH diverted attention from the sinister truth, leaving our unsuspecting human ancestors to bear the weight of His punishment.

In this enigmatic saga, YHWH's deception stands as a poignant reminder that even the gods [devas, "deities"] themselves can succumb to the allure of power and control, their actions ultimately shaping the destiny of humanity.

Subscribe to Dr's Kipp Davis and Joshua Bowen: @DrKippDavis @DigitalHammurabi Grab Dr. Joshua Bowen's book here because Chapter 7 deals with this subject in depth. up for Dr. Kipp Davis' course "The Real Ancient Israelite Religions" #mythvision #mythvisionpodcast #mvp

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