Saturday, July 22, 2023

END is near: Christianity as doomsday cult

MythVision Podcast, 10/1/22; Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Jesus Cult: 2,000 Years of the Last Days
(MythVision Podcast) Christian apologists [explainers] work hard to defend the resurrection [rebirth] of Jesus, despite the woefully poor descriptions of the supposed event in the New Testament [part of the Bible].

Just read they Bible and OBEY!
👉 Apologists could probably also rise to the challenge of proving that the Fairy Godmother in Cinderella really did transform a pumpkin into a carriage.

It's no surprise that the apologist literature defending the resurrection is enormous, but there has been considerable pushback from secular writers -- as well as from religious biblical scholars who can live with a metaphorical understanding of the resurrection.

But the task for the curious reader trying to cut through all this clutter has been made easy by Robert Conner's The Jesus Cult: 2000 Years of the Last Days.

As the title suggests, Conner incisively demonstrates that a crucial element in early Christian belief that the arrival of Jesus on clouds was any day now is just plain wrong.

Conner also pulls together the New Testament texts that show just how incoherent the resurrection stories are: no wonder the apologists have to work so hard in their sophistry.

In a very engaging conversational writing style, Conner shows the ongoing damage into our own times that the Jesus Cult causes.

This book is a must-read for Christians who are curious enough about their faith to engage in some due diligence.

Jerusalem syndrome: Dr. of Biblical Studies David Madison, Ph.D.

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