Monday, July 31, 2023

Simulation, Mandela Effect, Deja vu (video)

The evidence we are living in a simulation is everywhere. All we have to do is look.
(The Why Files) Premiered June 7, 2022. The Why Files: Operation Podcast PROOF THAT EVERYTHING IS A SIMULATION (including God) Is this reality? Well, we're experiencing...something right now, so maybe the better question is, What is reality?

Could everything we see, everything we experience, everything that exists in our entire universe be artificial? Supporters of Simulation Theory believe that not only is it possible that we're living in a simulation; it's likely.

And the more we look for evidence, the more we find. Philip K Dick believed Deja vu was the simulation adjusting to new code (or a new timeline).

Many people experience The Mandela Effect, a "false memory" shared by a large number of people.

But the biggest clues of Simulation Theory come from science, specifically from quantum mechanics. The only way the Double-Slit Experiment makes sense is if we live in a program.

Quantum Entanglement also defies logic. Only our program would have the ability to defy the laws of physics - and the concept of time. Let's find out why.

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