Monday, July 17, 2023

Trans and Eunuchs: historical comparison


Eunuchs and Transgenders: a historical comparison
(Forgotten History) May 17, 2023. A eunuch is defined as someone, usually a male, whose testes and sometimes also his penis and scrotum have been destroyed or surgically removed. This leads to sterility and, depending on the stage of life at which it is done, various degrees of impotence and loss of libido.

Hypersexuality may also result, as would humiliation over being castrated and rejected and more libido than before. A transgender person is someone who attempts to transition from one biological sex to another, either through dress (crossdressing, drag), nonnormative behavior, homosexuality, bisexuality, pansexuality, mannerisms, role in society, puberty blockers, sex reassignment surgery, and so on.

[In Buddhism, which is rooted in ancient India (proto-India) and has much in common with Jainism and Hinduism, the term for such persons is pandaka. One might be born this way, usually rooted in explanations talking about past karma, but early sexualization -- such as child molestation -- would also explain acting out in response to early childhood trauma. The word pandaka is not well defined or is so inclusive and biased, serving as a catchall term, as to make distinctions difficult.] 

Hosted by ex-military man Mike Droberg. The Forgotten History Channel is a 10th Legion Pictures production.

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