Friday, July 14, 2023

US Navy Admiral Byrd visits hollow earth

Pfc. Sandoval, Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(Ridddle) June 20, 2023. Hidden civilization of Middle Earth (inside levels of our Hollow Earth) was suddenly found by Admiral Richard Byrd beneath Antarctica, with entrances at both poles, which are obscured by Google Earth and all satellite photos, though some space photos show other planetary bodies with openings.

Honest Rear Admiral Byrd
Admiral Richard E. Byrd
was bound to silence about his discovery, but he wrote about the experience in his diary, and his son released the test after the author's passing. One version was heavily redacted by the CIA, FBI, NSA, NSC, and the litany of secret policing organizations that run the world. But it is said that an original unredacted version is also in circulation. It's not Avatar but the subterranean worlds were long ago revealed by Vedic and Hindu texts, which regard the realm of Agartha as "heavenly" planes of great prosperity, longevity, and ease.

There are an inner sun and luminous plants.
This may be the "Middle Country" (Majjhima-desa) of Buddhist lore, where all buddhas are born. There is said to be a passageway to this world under Lhasa, Tibet's Potala Palace (the Vajrayana Buddhist Vatican in the Himalayas). References to Shangri-La and mythical worlds may also have their origins in real places deep inside this hollow planet of ours.

The foremost local expert on this topic is master engineer, speaker, and author Brooks A. Agnew of Pasadena, California. He planned an exploration of Agartha aboard a Russian icebreaker but was frustrated in his attempts to organize expeditions by the US government, which does not want the truth out.

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