Wednesday, August 9, 2023

20 secrets of processed foods (video)

Factsopedia, June 15, 2023; CC Liu, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Junk food is not food: They'll have us eating insects "and loving it" -- feces, maggots, worms...

20 Foods You'll Never Buy Again After Knowing How They Are Made
 I just vomited in my mouth. How is this legal?
(Factsopedia) We all love indulging in our favorite foods, but has anyone ever stopped to think about what goes into making them?

From the synthetic chemicals used as preservatives and flavorants in processed snacks to the cruel treatment of tortured animals in factory farms, the food industry can be a shocking and disturbing place.

Maggots have protein. May cause diarrhea.
This video takes a closer look at the production process of some popular foods and exposes the often-hidden ingredients and practices that will may make one think twice before reaching for them in the store. Brace yourself. This video may just gross you out!

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