Friday, August 4, 2023

Barbie coffin for dead beauty Miss Venezuela?; Crystal Quintero, CC Liu, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
DEAD: Beauty Queen Miss Venezuela Ariana Viera posted chilling message (
English translation: “I'm recording myself for my future funeral because it’s always me the one in the videos and no one else does it,” she posted two months before falling asleep at the wheel.

Barbie (Margot Robbie) gets "deep" contemplating death.

Funeral home joins pink fever with a pretty coffin: “So you can rest like a Barbie”
Sexy enough for you? I was an attention-seeker in need of everyone's attention. I got it.
Oh, no, U died too soon!
The Barbie movie might not be so bad, promoting feminism and denouncing Ken's toy doll "patriarchy." It's not exactly for kids except as indoctrination that parents will understand. Like sugary box cereals and sentimental plastic toys, ad agencies are on overdrive to promote pink Barbie everything. Christians, Republicans, and other conservatives may detest it, but the movie is only helping to promote whatever Barbie [Mattel, Inc.] says.
(Sky News Australia, 8/4/23) LGBTQI+ enough for ya? Ken's pregnant!

Car crash: Miss Venezuela Ariana Viera (RIP)
Latin American beauty queen Miss Venezuela Ariana Viera, 26, dead after chilling post

TikTok fame!
Who will be the first to use a gaudy pink coffin with a Barbie doll placed on it? Maybe beauty queen Miss Venezuela. Ariana Viera was killed in tragic car crash just as the Barbie Dream Coffin went viral in Latin American and around the world. Everyone wants one ever since the movie character "Barbie" dared to utter the one word never heard in Dreamland: "dying."
Mexican funeral home offering Barbie-inspired coffins

I crashed. It was an accident. Bye.
(The Independent) Summer, July 31, 2023. Funeral homes are now offering bright pink Barbie-themed coffins to dedicated fans, following the release of the hit film. One company, Olivares Funeral Home, is using the slogan: “So you can rest like Barbie” to advertise its new “Barbie House” casket design.

The firm shared a clip of the promotion on TikTok, where it went viral with 1.6 million views and nearly 5,000 comments. Other funeral homes -- located in Mexico, El Salvador, and across Latin America -- have also joined the trend, cashing in on the success of the Barbie film as they also launch bright pink coffins.

[There is now also a shortage of pink paint in the U.S. due to "pink fever" brought on by Barbie's super-successful ad campaign.]

SUTRA: What to contemplate at time like this?
The Future-Buddha Maitreya is decorated like a doll.
Here are two English translations of the original Pali (Buddhist language) text of the "Five Remembrances":

1. I am sure to become old; I cannot avoid aging. // I am subject to aging, have not gotten beyond aging. Jarādhammomhi jaraṃ anatīto....

2. I am sure to become ill; I cannot avoid becoming ill. // I am subject to illness, have not gotten beyond illness. Vyādhidhammomhi vyādhiṃ anatīto....

3. I am sure to die; I cannot avoid death. // I am subject to death, have not gotten beyond death. Maraṇadhammomhi maraṇaṃ anatīto....

4. I am sure to be separated and parted from all that is dear and beloved to me. // I will grow different, separate from all that is dear and appealing to me. Sabbehi me piyehi manāpehi nānābhāvo vinābhāvo....

But what if I don't believe in karma? - No matter.
5. I am the owner of my karma [actions of thought, word, and deed], heir of my karma, karma is the womb [from which I have sprung here], actions are my relations, actions are my protectors. Whatever actions I do, skillful or unskillful, of these I shall be heir [2]. //

What if I die? - You'll be reborn.
I am the owner of my actions, heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and have my actions as my arbitrator. Whatever I do, for benefit or ill, to that will I fall heir [3]. Kammassakomhi kammadāyādo kammayoni kammabandhū kammapaṭisaraṇo yaṃ kammaṃ karissāmi kalyāṇaṃ vā pāpakaṃ vā tassa dāyādo bhavissāmī... [4].

The Buddha advised: "These are five facts that one should often reflect on, whether one is a female or male, layperson or monastic" [5].

Since the Buddha clarified, defining karma ("action") as the intention (cetana) behind a deed motivating it (Nibbedhika Sutta), "intentions" or "intentionally committed deeds" may be better translations of karma in the fifth contemplation or recollection above. More

The plandemic: It was on purpose, and they lied. And almost everyone fell for it.

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