Friday, August 4, 2023

Climate alarm, border: US hypocrisy (TJDS)

Jimmy Dore, Mike MacRae, RFK Jr. (; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Covid Lies Are Funny (Jimmy Dore Special)
Hollywood-Republican Vince Vaughn and creepy sexual predator Kevin Spacey (both the voice of Mike MacRae) call in to chat with Jimmy. He was exonerated! Immediately he's talking about b*nging young boys. The climate is changing. Oh, that's okay. Greta Thunberg will save us. Oh, wait a minute, no she won't. She a psy-op, "controlled opposition," never protesting the real polluters -- like all those U.S. military bases around the world, polluting more than vehicles and ships, contaminating the environment. Who groomed her, the CIA? California BANS gas-powered lawn mowers – for the climate?! Here's proof the Establishment doesn’t actually care about climate change. What’s actually happening at the USA-Mexico border is mind blowing -- like the movie The Sound of Freedom suggests: rape, abuse, extortion, beatings, cartel control, and exploitation. People are coming from all over the world to cross over, very few of them from Latin America. Instead, they are from West Africa, Central Asia, China, and everywhere but Latin countries. Finally, American kids are the sickest in the world – here’s why! Jimmy Dore sits with popular Democratic presidential candidate RFK Jr.

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