Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Climate Change activists block Burning Man

Climate protesters shut down Burning Man, rangers ram through blockade
Pied Piper of Climate Change leads jail and court
(FREEDOMNEWS TV - NATIONAL) Aug. 28, 2023: #BurningMan Aug. 27, 2023: Black Rock Desert, NEVADA - "30 seconds, send your leader to my vehicle. Let's talk. Get off the f*cken road" - Tribal Ranger announced on the highway leading to #BurningMan festival, where climate activists blocked the road. About 37 seconds later a ranger RAMMED through the blockade and made arrest at gun point. Climate activists from XR and “7 Seven Circles” shut down highway leading to the Burning Man Festival, within tribal lands. Attendees quickly became irate, confronting the group blockading the road and physically attempting to remove the blockade. Some attendees sped through close to the chained activists. Rangers rushed into the group, ramming through the blockade and rushing out with a gun pointed to arrest protesters. Several arrests were made during the incident, including the legal observer, as activists blocked traffic into the Burning Man festival on the event’s first day open to the general public. The group blocked a main thoroughfare using a trailer, lock-ons, and banners with the words “BURNERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE!,” “ABOLISH CAPITALISM,” and “GENERAL STRIKE FOR CLIMATE.” The group says the blockade’s purpose is to draw attention to capitalism’s inability to address climate and ecological breakdown along with protesting against the popularization of Burning Man among affluent people who do not live the stated values of Burning Man, resulting in the commodification of the event.

Video by Oliya Scootercaster to license

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