Thursday, August 24, 2023

Ethno-Botany class: Wild Plants (8/26)

Christopher Nyerges (School of Self-Reliance); Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
No: While the species has medicinal uses, clones are raised for low-CBD high-THC abuse.
Plants for Your Food Forest
ETHNOBOTANY SERIES, WILD AND USEFUL PLANTS, Session 1: Learn how to study wild plants, how to identify plant families, uses, medicinal value, how to keep records...

This is an introduction to the art of foraging, and medicinal plants. (It is part of the School of Self-Reliance's certificate and certification program).

Native American wisdom (USC)
The session begins with a walkabout, getting to know some of the common local plants. We’ll cover botany basics to have a sense of context of the types of plant groups, as well as their relationships. Instruction on use of plant press and how to make field records for own use.

Take this session by itself or sign up for all four classes. We will sample a wild food salad as part of class. Bring notebook. Price: $65 per class ($45 senior/student)
After Apocalypse LA suburbs will hard to forage

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