Thursday, August 31, 2023

Moon’s dark secret: Some ETs harvest emotions

Hecklefish Moriarty (The Why Files); Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Moon’s Dark Secret: [Reptilian] Aliens Harvesting Human Souls for FOOD
(The Why Files) Premiered Aug. 31., 2023: The Why Files: Operation Podcast [WF finally tackles the topic of Buddhism and asks, Why is the Buddha pointing at the moon?]

Samsara: Bhavachakra (Wheel of 6 Paths) Buddha points.
  • Where is the "soul"? It's real and immaterial.
    In what sense is it unreal? It's utterly dependent.
    [Our moon is an artificial satellite, constructed, brought, and placed precisely where it is, hollow, full of humanoid prisoners, likely abducted on Earth (Gaia, Terra) to be forced to work there; it has water, minerals, is of too large a size to be a natural satellite like other planets have, parallel in dimensions to the sun (in accordance with Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain cosmology), either identical in size or 400 times smaller than the sun (Sol, Surya) but, coincidentally, 400 times closer so as to appear to be identically the exact same size, an impossible coincidence we are all forced to swallow. Just as our Earth is hollow, so our moon is hollow. It rings when hit. It is a massive spaceship.]

HeckleFish, can a goldfish shapeshift into a redhead?

Comic relief H.F. Moriarty
Our world is an illusion
. Our choices are irrelevant. Our friends, our family, and all around us are just manifestations of our mind. We’re trapped animals in a cage: a virtual reality (simulation) created more than 250,000 years ago for a single purpose: to use us as food.

Our emotions are food for those who created the cage (Archons, Reptilians, Reptoids, lizard people, Raja-Nagas). Feelings of happiness and joy are digestible. But those emotions are nowhere near as nourishing as sadness, malice, and especially anger.

The Buddha meets with Brahma and Sakka
Pain (Buddhist dukkhata) on a small scale is good, but pain due to war, famine, and pandemics? That’s even better [for ghouls, djinn-genies, yakkhas (ogres), rakshasas (monsters), asuras (titans, anti-gods, demons), pretas (hungry ghosts), nagasand royal Naga-Rajputs feeding on our misery].

We’re reborn here, we grow, and we spend the first third of our lives learning how to live on a planet and in a society that barely knows we exist.

Maybe we get married, have offspring, kids and maybe even grandkids. Then, we die -- and the pain, you would think, ends. But death is just the re-beginning all over again because now, we get to have to do it all over again.

But, David Icke, I don't want to believe that there are royal bloodlines of naga-rajas!
  • The Buddha realized that ultimately there is no ego, self, soul (atta)
  • SOUL OR NO-SOUL? That is not to say that conventionally there is no soul. Of course there is! BUT it is utterly dependent on its impersonal constituents -- the Five Aggregates clung to as self -- countless forms, feelings, perceptions, formations, and consciousnesses. This is a very counterintuitive ultimate-Truth most living being cannot grasp. If they could, there would be no problem. It is not something to "believe" or doubt but rather to directly realize to AWAKEN here and now. The Truth is instantly liberating. It is not something to contemplate because the mind will either cling to the idea of self and therefore fear that it stands to "lose" something, which is incorrect, or it will feel aversion to self and be glad to be annihilated at death as materialist-scientists claim to believe, which is wrong. Both are wrong. What is right? Dependent Origination. What exists exists depending on causes and conditions. And what is "it"? Pain/suffering. What goes away with enlightenment? Ignorance, as well as rebirth, pain/suffering, and samsara (the Wheel of Life and Death). A nonexistent self will not be lost, but because a "self" is clung to, mistaking the Five Aggregates as a "self," humans and devas will tremble and fear that something is going to be taken away, not realizing that that "self" is perishing, hurtling toward destruction at every moment, radically impermanent because the feeling, perception, formation, consciousness, and every particle of this body is arising and passing away at every moment. One passes, another, which is almost identical to it but not quite, arises then passes away, and so on and so on. We seek identity, but the elements of self are NOT identical from moment to moment, so all that appears as self is always perishing. The mind avoids seeing or taking notice of that unpleasant Truth, and therefore it stays stuck cycling in the round.
  • Reptilians in Buddhism and Dharmic traditions are "Nāgas"
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  • Who watches this conspiratorial carp?! WF in the WILD
  • Tunnels under Los Angeles (as written up in the LA Times)
  • The Hopi legend of
  • Reincarnation of "souls" with lunar "soul catcher" cube
  • John Lear: "Soul Catcher" on moon and elsewhere
  • Linda Moulton Howe ( agrees
  • Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice (Earthfiles)
  • Earth is a "prison planet" (like Alex Jones says)
  • Earthling humankind is not from here but elsewhere
  • #Aliens #Moon #Conspiracy
Ancient Indian seers knew about space beings
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Gino Gentile Jennifer Gentile AJ Gentile Patreon Members THANK YOU MODS: jengen13 (Mrs. Why Files) Victoria Young Loolykins JohnnyBGood Cricket Hybrid Paul Rohrbaugh Mischief Guilty Kiam Timothy Weal Messor Synful Snowcrash Original Jim
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