Thursday, August 24, 2023

Mystery of Vikings solved: DNA study

Past Chronicles via, 8/24/23; Amber Larson (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
Viking propaganda. It wasn't like this.
The mystery behind Vikings: Groundbreaking DNA sequencing study shows they weren’t who we thought they were.

We all grew up watching several interpretations of Vikings in various forms of popular mass media, where one common thread binds them: their ferocity.

People think of them as bloodthirsty warriors whose main occupation was pillaging and plundering.

Hey, what's that guy doing here? - No, he's right.
They were mainly tall, red-bearded, heavy-set, fair-skinned, and blue-eyed, with long blonde tresses billowing in the air. Our ears almost ring with their battle cries and clanging metals for their fights ahead; they were intense, and we’ve pictured them that way for ages.

Turns out, we were all wrong. In 2020, a DNA sequencing study debunked some of those theories. More

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