Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Hip-Hop Fan: Satanic Rap to Demonic Metal

Alex Hefner; Rap Daily, 1/23/23; Avenged Sevenfold, "Bat Country"; Cradle of Filth, "Nymphetamine Fix"; ;Lil Wayne "Love Me," Drake, Future, Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj "Only"; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Satanic rituals rappers don't want us to see
(Rap Daily) Jan. 23, 2023: 10 Most Satanic Rappers. These days, rap and Satan are having a moment. Satanic rappers, also known as "occult rappers," are a subgenre of hip-hop that incorporates demonic themes of Satanism and the occult into their lyrics and imagery. Some say it’s just an act, mere shtick, while others say a deal has been struck between the artist and the Devil, exchanging a long spell for their precious souls [karmic futures] for momentary fame and money. Many contemporary rappers have incited controversy referencing Satanic images in their music and aesthetic. These are the Top 10.

Metal: Avenged Sevenfold's "Bat Country"

(Alex Hefner) Hip-hop [and white shower stall rapper] head's first time hearing "Bat Country" by MTV darlings Avenged Sevenfold with reaction to its Satanic, comedic, and demonic (Reptilian serpentine hybrid female groupie) themes.
Lil Wayne ain't no "Demon," huh? Aw, h*ll no! It's the same as the A7x video

Lil Wayne is a prominent American rapper, a possible Republican, who views himself as an elitist in line with the white establishment that pays him so well he wouldn't dare to question the system as it is, Satan and all. He has help on this hit song from fellow soul-destroying super stars (Drake and Future). What the song "Love Me" is actually about is best seen and heard in the far more popular uncensored version. It isn't only the men, but lesbian rappers are at it, too, like Nicki Minaj featuring Drake, Lil Wayne, and Chris Brown on "Only" with more than half a billion views.

(Cradle of Filth) Who's Devil siding with, niche metal acts or big-time rappers?

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