Thursday, August 17, 2023

Retain Energy: No Masturbation or Sex

Fooladi Fitness (YouTube, April, July, 2023); TEAM YOGA, Wisdom Quarterly

Esoteric Secrets of Semen Retention🪬

(Fooladi Fitness) The practice of semen retention (SR) goes far beyond the general surface level self-improvement stuff we see online.

Celibacy (brahmacharya) is a limb of Raja Yoga.
This sacred art of inner alchemy has been widely talked about in many great ancient texts by mystics [talking about the Spirit Molecule DMT or amrita, ambrosia, soma and haoma, lifeforce energy called prana, which moves as ida and pingala of kundalini, anointment or the Kristos (the "Anointed One") Gnostic version] and philosophers of the past through art and allegorical symbolism.

Anointing of Jesus (Jan van Scorel)
As we begin to decode the deeper esoteric secrets of this practice, we come to realize how truly profound this sacred secretion is when it comes to uncovering the more metaphysical secrets of this reality while on the road to self-mastery...

  • Intro - 0:00
  • The Sacred Secretion - 0:15
  • Serpent of Fire - 1:03
  • The Garden of Eden - 2:41
  • Divine Alchemy - 4:40
  • Third Eye Open - 6:52
  • Awakening the Christ Within - 9:08
  • Outro - 10:42
The Six Stages of Semen Retention

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