Monday, August 14, 2023

Scientist explains Sedona vortex energy (video)

Ben Lonetree (Coast to Coast, 8/13/23); Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Modern Buddhist stupa in Sedona, Arizona
Last night on Coast with Host Connie Willis, scientific researcher Ben Lonetree ( spilled the beans: Sedona's vortices are real and measurable. They pulse, come and go, are dampened by rain, affected by external conditions (who's standing around, what space entities are traveling through portals, what time it is in terms of the dimensional timeline at Bradshaw Ranch* that sees dinosaurs popping in and out, perhaps Silurians or their pet Reptilians behind a veil or props for creatures that still roam in the bowels of our hollow earth).
The Sedona Effect

Vortex outlined on the ground by Natives
Coast to Coast, Aug. 13, 2023: Researcher and electrical engineer Ben Lonetree discusses decades of scientific studies on naturally occurring phenomena electromagnetic (vortex) energies and how they interact with human biophysical mechanisms.

He talks about the science of Sedona, Arizona, and his theory of the Sedona Effect and Sedona Vortex brainwave EEG synchronization. After hearing the small pink town of Sedona described decades ago as the place where "the Earth speaks," Lonetree was initially skeptical.

Is Lonetree jumping to his death or levitating over a vortex energy field during a pulse?

There's a Buddha Beach in Sedona, too!
But he noticed that his scientific instruments always registered elevated energy levels there. Armed with an array of very sophisticated equipment, Lonetree set out to investigate Sedona's Schumann resonance (the degree to which the area's electromagnetic frequencies or EMFs matched those of the human brain).

What he discovered, Lonetree claims, was remarkable. The naturally occurring magnetic energy coming from the ground at Sedona is "spinning like a tornado" in a vortex pattern.

How then, he wondered, did this phenomenon affect human consciousness? Lonetreee's subjects would react in strange ways to Sedona's magnetic environment, bursting into tears or getting giddy with laughter.

His instruments confirmed that each surge in vortex energy in the ground caused a corresponding surge in subjects' brainwave activity. By drawing human emotions out in this way, the vortex allows us to examine our feelings in ways that make them coherent and manageable, Lonetree suggests.

He also notes that it's significant that the Native Americans (the "Without-Water" or Sinagua) in Sedona have traditionally understood the area as sacred due to the unusual properties of the energy one experiences there. More + AUDIO

Beyond Skinwalker Ranch: Bradshaw Ranch, Sedona (History Channel)

Beyond Skinwalker Ranch: Suspicious Military Activity at Bradshaw Ranch (S1)
(HISTORY) July 12, 2023: Why are drones restricted in certain areas of Bradshaw Ranch? Could the U.S. government (Department of War, Pentagon, CIA, NSA, NSC, FBI, black budget programs) be hiding something? See more in this clip from Season 1, Episode 5, "Bradshaw Ranch Pt. 2." New episodes of Beyond Skinwalker Ranch, Tuesdays at 10/9c. Stay up to date on favorite The HISTORY Channel shows at #BeyondSkinwalkerRanch
*Time anomalies through a dimensional portal so vital the government took possession of land and closed it to the public: Bradshaw Ranch
Merging Dimensions (Tom Dongo, Linda Bradshaw)
Merging Dimensions: The Opening Portals of Sedona (new edition, 2020) On a secluded ranch near Sedona, Arizona, strange events mysteriously began in 1992.

What does it portend for us all? [Why has the government moved in and turned it into a new Area 51?] This new edition contains over 100 actual photographs of incredible events, otherworldly [extraterrestrial] beings, strange flying craft [UFOs, UAPs, vimanas], and unexplained light anomalies. More

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