Thursday, August 24, 2023

Scientific study reveals our psychic ability

Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Who designed this Las Vegas psychic study? Mad scientist Professor Vladimir D. Gore?!
What should we do NOW? Reinterpret "freedom" as freedom-from-craving/disappointment.
The Buddha on mind control in meditation
The future isn't what it used to be. (We have the power to change it in the present). There's only now. This future to come will give meaning to the past.

The thing is, How are we to know what to do so the future we get -- given the changeable past -- is what we want it to be?
That's where this being naturally psychic comes into play. There was a scientific study, replicated and confirmed, conducted by a pioneer in a University of Nevada, Las Vegas study using many generations of freshmen.

The Princeton Anomalies Lab may have talked about it in the Quad-S Consciousness Convention in San Francisco many years ago. But it gets talked about elsewhere as a brilliant design that looks at many subjects over many trials rather than looking for one or two very well-developed psychics.

Who designed this psychic study? Prof. Gore?!
: Expose subjects (a very large N) to two types of photos randomly selected to occur on the computer screen, one very distressing (e.g., gore), one very uplifting (e.g., an eagle soaring over a lake).

Strap the subjects into a polygraph device to measure vital signs and galvanic skin response. Set up a computer screen to show a photo every ten seconds (randomly occurring between the two kinds, distressing or uplifting), and measure the "response" to it BEFORE it is presented, that is, before the photo appears.

The subject does not know that the body knows.
What has been found is that the subjects' bodies (not their conscious minds) "know" which it will be, from the set of distressing or uplifting photos before any picture randomly appears. How does the body know and know so well that it responds appropriately to that kind of stimuli before which kind of stimuli it will be has even been determined?

This experiment aims to demonstrate that we have innate psychic abilities built into the reality of our human bodies. These are psychic instruments if we can just keep our impure, muddled, dim thinking, emotional baggage, and tendency to project out of the way.

One can only imagine that animals in the wild are even better at this than humans from the city. So if we follow our gut, heart, instinct, intuition, it can lead us quite well.

Karma, Rebirth, and Samsara
We are the architects of our karma and the (responses to all the) results of that karma. Therefore, we are the architects of our future. It's like the Buddha says at the start of the Dhammapada: Mind/heart is the forerunner of all conditions. If we think, speak, or act with an impure mind/heart (motive), we will get a result appropriate to that kind of action/deed/motive. Heads up. Doer, beware. Choose with the future in mind, realizing the importance of intention (cetana) to color the act for our future misery, neutrality, or bliss. When?

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