Saturday, September 2, 2023

Science of Eye Color: Blue-Eyed Buddha

TWF; Neil,, 3/28/22; Amber Larson and Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
The Buddha, a Scythian, had blue eyes and gold skin
Eye color has fascinated people throughout herstory. Myths and legends grew up around the rarer colors gracing the "windows to the soul."

Superstitions embedded in folklore -- such as the link between eye color and certain [psychic] abilities and personality traits -- survive into modern times [like envious green eyes on temperamental redheads], even though we now think that genetics determines eye color.

Science: ALL eyes are actually brown.
Scientific advancement has revealed that the genetics behind eye color are more complex than researchers first believed.

Eye color was once thought of as a basic Mendelian inheritance trait determined by one set of genes with dominant and recessive alleles.
Eye color is an illusion of scattering light in the iris? (Farbverlauf Augenfarben/Wikipedia)

Not all ET hybridizations go well.
More recent research discovered that eye color does not follow classical inheritance patterns (

Approximately 16 genes determine eye color, and genes are influenced by incomplete dominance and epistasis.

"Epistasis" means that a gene is affected by the expression of one or more additional (modifier) genes. In brief, eye color depends on many different genes and their effects on one another.
Redheads, though rare, are plentiful in media.
  • But I have BLUE eyes! - No, you don't: The appearance of blue, green, and hazel eyes results from the Tyndall scattering of light in the stroma, a phenomenon similar to Rayleigh scattering, which accounts for the false blue color of the sky [5]. Neither blue nor green pigments are present in the human iris or vitreous humour. It's an illusion. More
Blue is the rarest color. Ancients used Afghan lapis lazuli for eyes from the Buddha's country.
All eyes are brown, even the ones that appear blue, green, and gray: Science (CNN)
Every eye has a unique iris pattern that can be photographed and examined for health.
Meeks & Green: Eye color made all the difference for Black felon, Jewish billionairess, babies.
Most beautiful man in the world: Jeremy Meeks
Human eye colors vary widely, with shades of brown, amber (yellowish), blue, gray, hazel, and green.

Cells called melanocytes in the iris ( contain melanin pigment in their cytoplasm.

Eyes of any color contain the same number of melanocytes. Variations in the amount, distribution, and type of melanin pigments within melanocytes account for different colors. More

Future Buddha Maitreya will be Central Asian king

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