Thursday, August 31, 2023

UFO ETs: They're HERE: Skinwalker Ranch

Joshua Wilburn,, 8/4/23; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Do some UFOs (UAPs) "cloak" themselves in strange cloud formations when low in sky?
'It's a fleet': UFOs caught on camera flying in formation over Skinwalker Ranch
"Skinwalker" shapeshifter Indian lore
(Knewz) Newly released video evidence has emerged, appearing to show multiple unidentified flying objects (UFOs called vimanas in ancient Buddhist India) zooming over Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, a well-known paranormal hotspot, has learned.

The footage, which was captured and analyzed by a team of scientists searching for proof of space [or Hollow Earth] alien life, showcases the moment a small moving object transforms into a fleet of synchronized UFOs (unidentified aerial phenomena).

Artist's rendition of a NAZI-like flying saucer
The video, featured in an episode of the History Channel show The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, reveals a meeting between the Skinwalker team and a group of Utah government officials.
These "biologics" are semi-synthetic drone Grays working for CIA and tall Nordics.
"Earthlings also welcome" image by MEGA ( via
How UFOs move: The tech
What's the TRUTH, Dr. Greer?

Among all the voices confusing the mainstream media, like Grusch, who is there to trust? We put our faith in ER Dr. Steven M. Greer, MD ( Why?

Dr. Greer has been a reliable source of factual information for decades.

ETs and UFOs are real, but we're being deceived.
He created the Disclosure Project, bringing former military officials to the DC Press Club to videotape them in public violating their secrecy oaths, whistle blowing what they know about black budget programs, working on reverse-engineering UFOs, downed crafts (that do not usually crash but are knocked out of the sky with advanced technology provided to our government by competing ETs already contacted).

The U.S. military-industrial complex craves ever more advanced technology, things to weaponize to control the planet, and physics knowledge beyond our outdated textbook theories. Dr. Greer is now on and still making documentary features.

What has Dr. Greer done lately? The Lost Century documentary is currently available.

We're not alone. We never were. Unacknowledged by Dr. Steven M. Greer, MD
UFOs and ETs are REAL, so what's the "hoax"? Dr. Greer explains in The Cosmic Hoax
But if there were ETs, where are the bodies? Here's one. A whole movie was made about it.
Advanced extraterrestrials are spiritual, dimensional, benevolent, and open to CONTACT.

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