Saturday, September 9, 2023

Buddhism on the causes of great earthquakes

Ven. Sujato Bhikkhu (trans.) Mahāparinibbāna Sutta (DN 16),; edited and expanded by Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson, and Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly

Mistranslated Buddha quote. (See Dhammapada)
In Buddhist texts, the Buddha gave eight causes of great (massive) earthquakes, the first so general that it could account for all of them: 

[The Buddha:] “Ānanda, there are these eight causes and reasons for a great earthquake. What are the eight? This great earth is grounded on water, the water is grounded on air, and the air stands in space. At a time when a great wind blows, it stirs the water, and the water stirs the earth.”
  • So far as it goes, this is a naturalistic explanation: The “water element” has the quality of [cohesion and] softening, while the “air element” is traditionally understood as “movement” [or flow]. Thus, in modern terms this [could mean], “When underground forces disturb a region of instability...”
“This is the first cause and reason for a great earthquake.”
  • (WQ) In Buddhism the four great "elements," dhatus or mahābhūta, are NOT really material "things," but rather qualities and characteristics of material things. (In Hinduism, they seem to be actual things). And those "material things" are called the rupa-kalapas (material particles or "atoms" in the original ancient Greek sense; in fact, it seems that the ancient Greeks got the idea of "atoms," or the smallest indivisible building blocks of materiality, from Buddhism and the Dharmic religions).
  • See Bhikkhu Bodhi (trans.) MN 140: "The Discourse on the Analysis of the Elements" or Dhātu Vibhaṅga Sutta (
  • The Four Great Elements refer to about 14 characteristics. (See the enlightened master Ven. Pa Auk Sayadaw's Four Elements Meditation to learn to discern them in this human body. It is so shockingly simple when described that it might throw one off. But if one persists in earnest practice, what was "simple" shows itself to be very difficult to master. That is, to attain absorption (jhana) using these characteristics as the object of focus until they become clear and wieldy is simple but not easy. With success, all doubt vanishes, and the profundity of the Buddha's liberating message becomes clear: These four elements are impersonal, impermanent, and disappointing; they are no basis for an eternal "self" or any kind of stable material world. That is why the self (atta or atman) and the world (material form) are always in flux.
  • The Four Great Elements are sometimes spoken of with three more, making for seven elements: earth (patthavi), water (apa), fire (teja), air (vayu); space (akasha), mind (vinñāna); and the unique "unconditioned-element" (asankhata-dhatunirvana.
“Furthermore, there is a wandering ascetic or Brahmin (temple priest) with psychic powers who has achieved mastery of the mind, or a shining one (deva) who is mighty and powerful. They’ve developed a limited perception of earth and a limitless perception of water. They make the earth shake and rock and tremble. This is the second cause and reason for a great earthquake.
  • The might of wandering ascetics was legendary in ancient India (e.g., MN 56:14.2). The meditation described here might be compared with the “dimensions of mastery” below (DN 16:3.25.1).
“Furthermore, when the being-intent-on-awakening [the Bodhisatta or Future-Buddha] passes away from the host of Joyful Devas [in the Tusita World], he is conceived of in his mother’s womb, mindful and aware. Then the earth shakes and rocks and trembles. This is the third cause and reason for a great earthquake....”
  • At DN 14:1.17.7 and MN 123:7.6 it is, rather, the entire galaxy [world-system or cakkavala] that trembles, perhaps indicating that the enhanced miracle is a later development [inserted into the embellished texts]. More
A disturbance in the Force

The Buddha was onto something
For the big tsunami that hit Aceh, Indonesia (2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami), Banda Aceh in particular, Western psychic Stewart Swerdlow ( very clearly gave the unnatural reason for it.

He told us directly at Bodhi Tree Bookstore Annex in West Los Angeles, if we're remembering correctly:

The powers-that-be, that is, the military-industrial complex scientists working for covert alphabet agencies like the CIA, NSA, and NSC were trying to operate the Montauk chair, and this was causing a great disturbance.

A Disturbance in the Force (2023) - IMDb
Disturbance to what? Disturbance to the earth, water, air, and space this world is founded on. "The Force" is Star Wars speak for "Source" or "The All" that connects us like split particles bound by some force that sends information faster than the speed of light.

Shake the elements and one shakes the planet, our bhumi or platform. One may even shake the entire world-system (cakkavala) we are in.

In Buddhist cosmology, this plane we are on is bound by concentric mountainous walls, separating worlds from worlds, four or seven (Vedic Hinduism says seven) alongside each other, each with their own sun and moon (small nearby satellites of equal size), orbiting above each world within the system.

No doubt, we humans (at least those of us working for covert agencies inside black budget laboratories) are disturbing multiple neighboring dimensions.
It's natural, Honey. Just breathe it in.
When there were great quakes in China and Iran, people reported seeing strange HAARP phenomena in the sky; some even filmed it and put it on YouTube. Who knows how long it could stay posted before YouTube dutifully took it down due to some pretext of a violation when powerful parties request removal of anything for "national security."

Move along. Nuthin to see here, just condensation
"Buddha clouds" (iridescent petroleum-like colors) or isolated rainbow-colored mist from chemtrails, used in conjunction with HAARP technology, are characteristic of massive quakes to come.  Why? In general, HAARP heats up the air in space, disturbing the water and earth. Look up. What are they spraying?

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