Saturday, September 16, 2023

Kathy Griffin's disastrous face work (cartoon)

Entertainment Tonight, Aug. 29, 2023; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

Kathy Griffin shares SHOCKING results of getting lips tattooed after getting cancelled for Trump stunt
(Entertainment Tonight) Kathy Griffin undergoes another cosmetic procedure on top of other plastic surgery that has not gone so well. In a YouTube video, the comedian documents the process of getting her lips tattooed and shares the offensive results.

Plastic Surgery Disasters (Dead Kennedys)
Early on ginger stand up Kathy Griffin played herself on Seinfeld. It was funny because Larry David must have told her, "Just be yourself." So she begins by doting on unfunny Jerry, which offends him. When he asks her to knock it off, she turns on him to hilarious effect. She goes on an Ant-Jerry Comedy Campaign, which ends up being a hit. (I started to understand the show about then, realizing there was no way Jerry Seinfeld was writing it. George Costanza is the funniest because he's the most neurotic, Cosmo Kramer is comic relief because he's a nut, and even Newman is deviously subversive, and who knows what to say about the Catholic character Elaine).

Our favorite ginger, a Lyrian-human hybrid.
One got a real glimpse at the motormouthing horror that is Ginger Griffin, but she was pleasant enough appearance-wise, like a commercial model for kitchen wax or some such. Most TV models are redheads though they represent only a fraction of the human population. But without makeup, Griffin can hardly be counted among the humans. What planet are those genes from? And those lips, those hips, aarrgh, holy Molly Malone, they're all as nothing compared to the gob. Good gosh, we thought she was cancelled for insulting fellow freak Trump. Guess our society is less forgiving to women.

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