Monday, September 25, 2023

I'm not autistic, the world is! (video)

Neurodivergent Doctor, 3/8/22, 9/14/21; Sheldon S.CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"Autism Imposter Syndrome" - The smartest have it, and how to stop it
(Neurodivergent Doctor) Why do the smartest people get imposter syndrome? What is "transient sensory sensitivity"? Was there really room for Leo on Rose's floating door over the Atlantic from the film Titanic? These and other topics are discussed as well as what to do about imposter syndrome.

DISCLAIMER: This is the personal opinion of Dr. Anson Service, Psy.D., LMHC and is for informational purposes only. This is not therapy. No therapeutic relationship between Dr. Service and any viewer is asserted or implied. If you have questions, please seek a qualified professional. Photos and videos are licensed to Dr. Service and any other photos are used for educational purposes.

Autism: The new view. The world is disordered
(Neurodivergent Doctor) VANCOUVER Hello, Neurodivergent Nation! It's always been about the bad, the way "autistic" people have a hard time in life. Is that the truth, or have we been looking at it all wrong?

Yes, many autistic people have a very difficult time. And it has caused trauma and so much heartache for them and often their families, too. But let's take a closer look at why there is so much difficulty.

Let's look more closely at the disordered world autistic people are forced to live in. Like so many other people who are differently abled on this planet, it is not set up to accommodate, accept, or even acknowledge differences.
  • [EDITORIAL NOTE: It may be taken as making autism look like a positive label. Or it may point the finger at us, saying that although autism is certainly bad and not something we would want to have, the world we live in sucks -- and we have ceased to notice. But autistic children and young adults do notice and say so; therefore, we don't like them and blame them and their illness or try, because of cognitive dissonance and guilt at living in a toxic polluted environment that surely cannot be helping, to put all the blame on sensitive individuals harmed by the toxicity far more than the rest of us.]
This video challenges the idea that the neurodivergent are the disordered ones. All media is original content or licensed and used with permission. Copyright 2021 Dr. Anson Service, PsyD.

(from previous upload on Imposter Syndrome that was deleted it replaced with this better version)

(buttercxp draws) This video was fantastic. I was late diagnosed 2 years ago after a mental breakdown. I’ve felt imposter syndrome several times whilst coming to terms with my diagnosis. Your words really hit home with me. Much appreciated πŸ’•

(Judi Marr) Thank you for this. I’ll probably still keep taking all the tests every couple of weeks until my neuropsych testing in June just to make sure, but it’s good to know why I feel this way and I’m not alone.

(Wynne Whitten-Holmes) Oh, this was such a balm to my autistic soul. Thank you. I'm saving it for later. ✨

(buttercxp draws) Great job with the script and editing on this one. Made me laugh and made me cry. I’ll be watching this again next time I think I’m an imposter ✌️πŸ’•

(rahxrahster) This is the one! I have an upcoming assessment and this video was so helpful. Thank you!

(Loowe) Thank u so much. Can I ask u to talk about the PDA Type of autism? It really gives me more imposter Syndrome since my experience is in some way very different than other more high-regulating autistic people. Thank u for ur work so much!!! 🌸🌸🌸

(skiz) The best defense against impostor syndrome is paying the electricity bill to keep your rare model train collection running on time throughout your house.

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