Thursday, September 14, 2023

Osirion Temple anomalies | Ancient Egypt

Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Chapel of Amun, Abydos Temple to Seti I, Abydos, Egypt (Olaf Tausch/wiki)

Osirion Temple anomalies | Ancient Egypt
 The facade of the temple to Seti I, Abydos, Egypt, impossibly advanced technology (wiki)
(Funny Olde World) Premiered Aug. 20, 2023: Hey Hunters, let's go back to look at some scientific anomalies at the site of the Osirion Temple in Abydos, Egypt. Buckle up, friends. We're not in Kansas anymore.
The Osirion or Osireon is an ancient Egyptian temple. It is located to the rear of the Temple of Seti I. It is an integral part of Seti I's funeral complex and is built to resemble an 18th Dynasty Valley of the Kings tomb [24].

Helicopter hieroglyphs
The retouched and eroded hieroglyphs in the Temple of Seti I are said to represent modern vehicles -- a helicopter, a submarine, and a zeppelin or jet plane -- among other anomalies. 
Some of the hieroglyphs carved over an arch on the site have been interpreted in esoteric and ufology circles as depicting modern technology.

The "helicopter" image is the result of carved stone being re-used over time. The initial carving was made during the reign of Seti I and translates to "He who repulses the nine [enemies of Egypt]."

This carving was later filled in with plaster and re-carved during the reign of Ramesses II with the title "He who protects Egypt and overthrows the foreign countries."

Over time, the plaster has eroded away, leaving both inscriptions partially visible and creating a palimpsest-like effect of overlapping hieroglyphs [25, 26]. See Helicopter hieroglyphs.

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