Sunday, September 24, 2023

PRS: Buddhist Bubblegum: Esotericism (9/30), Matt Marble (Eventbrite); Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Aquarium Drunkard Transmissions LIVE: Matt Marble on Arthur Russell’s Esoteric Art Join us for a special on-stage conversation between Aquarium Drunkard Transmissions' Jason P. Woodbury and Matt Marble, author of Buddhist Bubblegum: Esotericism in the Creative Process of Arthur Russell.

Marble is an artist, author, audio producer, and director of the American Museum of Paramusicology, best known for his podcasts, including Secret Sound, an exploration of the metaphysical history of American music, and the interview show "The Hidden Present."

With Buddhist Bubblegum, author Matt Marble outlines the specific religious impulses that informed Russell’s groundbreaking work.

Diving deeply into Russell’s Buddhism and other esoteric interests, including goma and hiwatari fire rituals, samatha [tranquility] and vipassana [insight] meditation, shugyo and sadhana martial arts, mandala [sacred geometry] visualization, mantra [mind instrument] recitation, numerology, and astrology, Marble illuminates Russell’s desire to “spiritually infiltrate popular culture” through music.

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