Thursday, September 21, 2023

UFOs, ETs, hybrids and Enoch in Judaism

Sheldon S., CC Liu, Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Third Book of Enoch Explained
(ReligionForBreakfast) Sept. 21, 2023: [Like Buddhism and Christianity, Judaism seems replete with stories of our neighbors the Sky People or Devas, "Shining Ones," interacting with humans on earth. There are many planes and levels of Devas, corresponding roughly to Judeo-Christian conceptions of the types of angelic beings along with fallen angels or Asuras ("Titans") in Buddhism and the Dharmic religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism.]

The Third Book of Enoch claims to be the account of a mystical vision of heaven [a word that in Hebrew is always plural, "heavens," which includes the abode of moon and sun]. Notably, it portrays Enoch transforming into the second most powerful being in the universe: the Archangel Metatron. [CC, can we start a video department and make cool, modern videos about Buddhist figures like Sakka, King of the Devas, and Vepacitti (a kind of Buddhist Lucifer figure), and the War in Heaven between the beautiful, gated world of the Devas and the jealous Asuras who got thrown out coming back for vengeance? - No, that would take forever. Darcy and Dave could have done it. They probably exist already. I'll scour the Web.]

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