Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Atrocity propaganda as news? Jewish victims

DemNowSky News AU, 10/23/23; A Wells, Sheldon SPfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
WARNING: Possible atrocity propaganda, probable psyops. This video contains distressing content!

Militant Jews have killed more than 6K civilians
Isn't it odd they're not cuffed, roughed up, surrounded by soldiers but allowed to sit in a well-lit office, by a computer, able to grab anything as a weapon and go berserk? And they're just talking so casually, not "crazed religious fanatics" biting cyanide capsules, clamming up, or giving only name, rank, and serial number? They, without conscience because they're "inhuman" of course, are just yapping away saying what they were told to say once the video recorder started. No one is pressuring them to speak. They're doomed to life sentences in Israeli political prisons with their siblings or Nuremberg tribunals and death sentences, but they commit treason, betray their cause and comrades and do it on tape just because? This parading of prisoners of war is unseemly and not too believable on the part of the PsyOps Office of the Israeli War Department. But who are we to judge or question? If the "most moral army in the world" (lol) while on a holy "crusade" for God (a kind of Judeo-Christian jihad) say that this is just what it seems, it must be. No irregularities here.
Amnesty Int'l finds “damning evidence of war crimes” by Israel in Gaza; death toll 6,500+

(Democracy Now) Despite growing international condemnation, Israel has rejected calls for a ceasefire of its continued assault on the tiny open air prison that is the Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces [the self-described "world's most moral army"] carried out indiscriminate attacks, killing and injuring civilians, and in some cases that we documented,…entire families were wiped out [by Israeli militants],” says Amnesty International researcher Budour Hassan, who shares testimonies of Gazans from a new report on Israeli war crimes.

Meanwhile, Israel continues to attack [Palestinian] civilians in the occupied West Bank, and the number of Palestinians held in Israeli jails since October 7 has doubled.

“This level of pressure, of coercion, of oppression that Palestinians have been facing in the West Bank…has received such scant attention because all eyes now are on Gaza,” says Hassan.

Exclusive footage shows interrogation of captured Hamas terrorists
(Sky News Australia) Jewish anchor at right wing Australian news outlet repeats Israeli Army talking points, parading prisoners of war around and making them confess (because as "evil animals" and "nazis," they would never confess on their own, right, Israel? They have no conscience, yet here they are just talking away, no handcuffs or visible duress at all).

Say 'Hi,' Bubela, you just made me 10K and got me an apt.
This "exclusive footage" put out by Israel's Department of War or IDF offices, reveals what Hamas (a political party that did not break into Israel) enticed militants from the El Qassam Brigades to do and what the party promised to give them as financial incentives for every Jewish person they brought back alive.

[It's odd that they are accused of killing so many, when each one would have been worth $10K alive plus a free apartment. It's unbelievable that these "Nazi" religious fanatics with what the IDF claims is a sworn charter "to kill all Jews everywhere in the world." Yet here they are relieving their oppression, utilizing living hostages to bargain for Israel to stop committing war crimes and crimes against humanity against them, like prisoners might revolt and "riot" to stop institutional oppression and abuse by guards.]

During the attack on Israeli-occupied Palestine, some Hamas terrorists El Qassam militants were captured by Israeli paramilitary police and have been [tortured, deprived of sleep] interrogated by the Israeli Securities Authority [an arm of the Israeli military].

The footage shows alleged militants saying their mission was to kill the men [yet men were taken alive and are now hostages] and capture the females and children as well as saying they were promised $10,000 each and an apartment if they kidnapped a Jewish hostage.

The captured militants also speak about setting buildings in the [illegal occupation camps called] kibbutz on fire, and they detail how they entered structures and shot people inside.

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