Thursday, October 5, 2023

Che Guevara movie, John Lennon b-day...

Change Links Calendar; Crystal Q., CC Liu, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Rebel Ernesto "Che" Guevara, the Latin-Irish troublemaker, fought the power.

(Thursday – October 5, 2023) Strategy & Soul Movement Center Hosted by Channing Martinez presents: Freedom First 2023 World Tour. A Jazz Benefit Concert for Keith Lamar. 6:30 pm Reception 7:00 pm Program: Get tickets: $25, $50, $100. Featuring Spoken Word by Keith Lamar from DEATH ROW, Albert Marques – Piano, Kazende George – Tenor Sax, Yosemite Montego – Bass and Zack O’Farril – Drums. Keith Lamar in conversation with Eric Mann. Keith Lamar is a WRONGFULLY-CONVICTED Black man who faces state-sanctioned murder in just under a year for crimes he can now prove he did not commit. His execution date was previously set for Nov. 16, 2023. Keith was just granted a reprieve and his execution date has been moved to Jan. 13, 2027. Freedom First began as a concert series in the summer of 2020 on the streets of Brooklyn and Manhattan shortly after the murder of George Floyd, and at a time the country was shut down due to Covid. The aim of these beautiful shows has been to raise public awareness of yet another grave injustice being done in our names, and to seek support for the Campaign for Justice for Keith Lamar while we still can… Keith is still breathing. Let’s fight for him to keep breathing and get free! Strategy and Sould Theater, 3546 Martin Luther King Blvd., LA, CA 90008.

50 Years of [the CIA-sponsored] Ms. Magazine, with Dolores Huerta and Eleanor Smeal, 7:30pm, UCLA Hammer Museum. Since its founding in 1973, Ms. Magazine has been a source for news, analysis, and commentary with a feminist point of view. In this panel, the magazine’s executive editor Katherine Spillar looks back on the legacy of Ms. and the future of feminism alongside labor rights champion Dolores Huerta; Eleanor Smeal, cofounder of the Feminist Majority Foundation; Carmen Rios, consulting digital editor for Ms.; and Michele Bratcher Goodwin, award-winning author and host of the Ms. podcast On the Issues. Following the Ms. panel there will be a book sale and signing with light refreshments. Dolores Huerta, Ellie Smeal, Michele Bratcher Goodwin, Carmen Rios, Jennifer Weiss Wolf, and Katherine Spillar will be signing copies of 50 Years of Ms.: The Best of the Pathfinding Magazine That Ignited a Revolution. Copies of the book will be available for purchase.

The Verdict Is In: Reparations Now! Book Tour. Chairman Omali Yeshitela presents his new book The Verdict Is In: Reparations Now!, a collection of testimonies delivered at the first World Tribunal on Reparations for African People, held in 1982 in Brooklyn, New York. For the next 40+ years, the Reparations Tribunal convenors, led by African People’s Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela, have incorporated the reparations demand into Black community struggles against police violence, unjust imprisonment, denial of decent housing and healthcare, poor education and for Black Power around the world. Today, the results of that effort can be seen in state and municipal reparations bills and programs throughout the U.S. as well as new reparations studies and demands from African activists and heads of state internationally. At the same time, Chairman Yeshitela has been indicted by the U.S. government in 2023 on widely-denounced federal charges of acting as a Russian agent for his work advocating for Black reparations. “The Verdict Is In: Reparations Now!” sheds light on an early effort to investigate and document the legitimacy and legal basis for the reparations demand, while exposing the fallacy of the U.S. government’s charges of a Russian influence as instigator of the movement for Black reparations. The program will include spoken word performances and is co-sponsored by the Beta Kappa Delta chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. 11:15 am at Santa Monica College, Building Art 214, 1900 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica. Free registration at

Organization is Key – Building Principled Relationship in Anti-Colonial Struggle. Featured speaker is African People’s Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela, primary target of bogus U.S. government federal charges that his 50+ years of fighting for reparations, opposing U.S. unjust wars and building international anti-colonial solidarity have been done at the behest of the Russian government. Event co-sponsored by Union del Barrio, dedicated to “promoting and defending the human rights and class interests of la raza within the current borders of the U.S.” 6:30 pm at District 9 Council Office, 4301 S. Central Ave., Los Angeles. Free registration at (Friday–October 6, 2023) Oct 6-8: Join Nevada Desert Experience and other activists, artists, poets, musicians, and mystics for 3 days in Las Vegas and the desert in October, opening Friday evening the 6th with a concert and open mic in the city. Saturday morning yoga and meditation at Spring Mountain Ranch Park, and afternoon prayer vigil at Creech Air Force Base, camping that night at the Temple of Goddess Spirituality. On Sunday morning a communal art project in the tunnels under Hwy 95 between historic Peace Camp and the Nevada National Security Site in Mercury, followed by a peace vigil at the NNSS gate. More information will be provided closer to the date. Please let us know if you are coming from out of town and need accommodations.

Our Lives Are a Sundance, livestreamed, $15. End War Crimes Against Humanity, free all political prisoners. (see story on p. 1) (Saturday – Oct. 7, 2023) 12:00 pm–4:00 pm.

Celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day – The Getty Center. 1200 Getty Center Drive. Los Angeles, CA 90049. The Getty Center. FREE | Advance ticket required. Ticket includes priority to workshops and complimentary parking.

10th Annual Speak For Wolves Conference, 9:00 am-5:00 pm CA, online. Celebrate its anniversary with a powerful day of virtual presentation! This is the longest standing, grassroots wildlife conference of its kind, thanks to our dedicated supporters. Space is limited! Register now: Updated Speakers List & Program Descriptions: 5:00 pm.

Movie Night to Commemorate the Life and Times of Global Revolutionary Che Guevara
Come celebrate this larger-than-life icon with KPFK. Hosted by APPE (Association of Spanish Language Programmers) at KPFK 90.7 FM Station. Location: KPFK Parking Lot, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd., WEST, North Hollywood CA 91604-3504. Free Event, street parking. Entry acknowledges a waiver of liability by Pacifica and KPFK, so enter at your own risk.

Freedom First Jazz Benefit for Keith Lamar, 7:00 pm, Lyman Hall Pomona College, Claremont CA. (See Oct. 5)

Paul, don't tell me how to write hit songs, OK mate? - I'm just sayin', JoJo, ya look like walrus.

(Sunday – Oct. 8, 2023) John Lennon Public Birthday Celebration, 2:00-4:00 pm. John Lennon and Beatles fans of all ages are cordially invited to gather at John’s Hollywood Walk of Fame Star at 2:00 pm on Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023 (the day before what would have been the late legendary singer, songwriter, Beatles member and peace activist’s 83rd birthday). Fans are invited to share a specially decorated birthday peace cake and birthday peace pies. Fans are also invited to decorate John’s star with flowers, candles, peace symbols, etc. Fans are also invited to perform peace poems and Lennon/Beatles songs at an open mic set up next to John’s star. John Lennon Hollywood Walk of Fame Star, 1750 N. Vine Street a block north of Hollywood Blvd. in front of the Capitol Records Tower Building. Contact: Jerry Rubin, (310) 399-1000,

50 Years of Hip-Hop: Political & Social Justice
6:00-8:30 pm. Refreshments at 6:00. Program 6:30 pm. Virginia Avenue Park, Thelma Terry Bldg., 2200 Virginia Ave. Santa Monica 90404

Free Hybrid Workshop:  To join virtually, click on this link to register in order to receive the Zoom link for 10/8:

The September 10th Committee for Racial Justice (CRJ) sponsors. One of our resource people for the evening will be Prof Tim Conley, a retired professional athlete, who is now a filmmaker (“Eve After Dark” which traces the history of a pioneering hip-hop venue) and college professor who also currently serves as the vice chair of the board for the Urban Scholars Academy of Inglewood, CA, and as a committee member for the Santa Monica Bay Area Human Relations Council and the Santa Monica Coalition for Police Reform. Also joining us will be Prof. Marq Hawkins, who teaches at the Los Angeles Film School. His scholarship focuses on Communication Studies, Media Studies, Film Studies, and Hip-Hop Culture. More

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