Friday, October 20, 2023

Hamas 'savages' release American hostages

I. Rony, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
But I thought Muslims were all "terrorists" and "bloodthirsty animals" who like to attack?

Prisoners revolted. Merciful men of Hamas?
In a devastating blow to Israeli and American propagandists in the U.S., "evil" "inhuman" "savages" Hamas (a political party who are not the same as the al Qassam Brigades who revolted against years of Israel's oppression) that seems to have directed the brigades taking of hostages to bargain for mercy the way prisoners do during an prison uprising, has RELEASED two American Jewish hostages on HUMANITARIAN grounds, out of mercy and Qatari efforts to broker their safe passage out of Israel's declared "war" zone. They did so, asking nothing in return. So will the Israeli Army (IDF or Israeli Offensive Forces) stand down and rethink their plans for a "ground assault" to bomb and bulldoze 1.1 million innocent Palestinian civilians out of existence? Ha, this has only made them MORE angry as it can no longer serve as a propaganda talking point. "Hamas [which, being a political party or movement, represents not many people, means ALL Palestinians and their sympathizers, especially Arab Christians, who are mucking up the black and white lines in this "dispute."
Biased Jewish Israeli TV host and bleached Billie Eilish lookalike shares "friend of a friend" horror stories she's reading like a script: 'We're dealing with savage animals' (Fox News) Oct. 10, 2023: TV entertainment host phony Romi gives an "emotional" acting job testimony about the horrors somebody else may have witnessed in Israel as it provokes a war against a phantom target hiding behind real-life Gazan Palestinians. As part of the Israeli media, should she also be tried for war crimes, even if she read her lines from her cell phone so poorly? So much practice yet she comes off as a propagandist with vile hate speech, calling Palestinians "the most savage animals known to mankind."

Slaves do not attack, they revolt

2 Americans held hostage in Gaza released by Hamas
(ABC News) Oct. 20, 2023: Judith Raanan and Natalie Raanan are now in the custody of the Red Cross after nearly two weeks in captivity. LIVE UPDATES: #news #israel #hamas

THIS is how to interview Israeli war crimes apologists
(The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder) Oct. 16, 2023: Mark Lamont Hill spoke with former Israeli Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, and Ayalon told Hill that Israel will stop blockading vital resources to Gaza only if and when Hamas surrenders. Hill points out that doing so would constitute "collective punishment," a war crime violation of international law. General Right-Wing Nonsense

"Evil Muslims and soulless monsters" Hamas RELEASE 2 hostages in Gaza on humanitarian grounds
Hmm, look at this brute. She's armed.
(Inside Edition) Oct. 20, 2023: Gaza has reportedly released Two American hostages that were being held by Hamas on humanitarian grounds. A statement from the Hamas political party (for that is all Hamas is, a political party, one encouraged and funded by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and now used as the excuse to kill as many Palestinians as possible before the "very long" war is forced to end and the war-funding dries up. Hamas says a mother and daughter were freed "for humanitarian reasons." The government of Qatar negotiated the release. Hamas, which the United States and Israel say is a savage, evil, subhuman, inhuman, animal] "terrorist" group, claimed the release was "to prove to the American people and the world that the claims made by [President] Biden are false and baseless." The Americans, mother and daughter [sickly 59-y.o. and young rave fan], are now safely at a military base in southern Israel and will soon be reunited with their family. Inside Edition's Steven Fabian has more.

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