Sunday, October 29, 2023

Conservatives HATE pro-Palestine demos

‘They’re not human’: Megyn Kelly slams pro-Palestinians as ‘disgusting’
(Sky News Australia) Oct. 11, 2023: The former Fox News and current host of the Megyn Kelly Show Megyn Kelly slams 'vile terrorists' and pro-Palestinians as “fools” who think their movement is the “new BLM.” [Is it for ratings among Republican, conservative, and Christian fundamentalist viewers?]

Her remarks come amid rising pro-Palestine (which simply must be anti-Semitic "Jew hatred") rallies after the Palestinian political party Hamas prompted the El Qassam Brigades to launch cross border retaliatory attacks (breaking through the fortified prison WALLS Israel erected on Palestinian lands) on their oppressors in Israel on Saturday, Oct. 7th.

People are celebrating 'acts of kidnap, rape and murder committed by Hamas' | Nigel Farage
(GBNews) Oct. 10, 2023: 'They were out in the street celebrating...[not protesting war or demonstrating for a ceasefire or peace]. That's actually what was going on in our streets.' Nigel Farage reacts to [hundreds of] thousands of people taking to the streets in the UK to oppose Israel war crimes against all Palestinians in the name of exterminating the Hamas political party that its prime minister funded and backed. #hamas #hamasattack #israel

It’s a date sure to live in infamy to support the victim identity of Jews in general and Israeli nationalists in particular. “It’s our 9/11 25 times over! Everybody hates us, for reason at all, just because they’re anti-Semites!! We’re the worst treated people ever, and we treat everyone so well!!”

“They’re become so obsessed with identity – they don’t know what they’re talking about,” Mz. Kelly told Sky News Host Paul Murray.

Mz. Kelly said the Gaza Palestinians “turned around” and elected [Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu backed and funded political party] Hamas [in the only election they were ever allowed to have] as their governmental representatives with Israel after Israelis removed illegal Israeli settlers trying to eat away at the tiny Gaza Strip in 2005 to prevent a two-state solution from ever taking place no matter what the Israeli government decided to do.

“Then they started bombing Israel. Israel had turned it [Gaza] over. Israel moved out [its illegal right wing Jewish colonial settlers occupying Palestinian land].

(Fox News) Mouthpiece Bill Maher tells students: Don't go to elite colleges

“They [Palestinians] could do whatever they want in Gaza [except live free of oppression, Israeli Army abuse, move about, eat enough, drink enough, have an open border with neighboring Egypt without Israeli interference, fish where they wanted, get the right of return to homes and lands they were dispossessed of by Israel, tend their ancient olive groves, be free of harassment, or leave their large open-air prison without fearing reprisals from young and abusive Israeli police and soldiers freely roaming about, invading, demolishing homes, arresting 40% of the population, killing civilians, arresting or shooting children to death for throwing stones at tanks, etc.], and they [El Qassam Brigades] chose to bomb [or lob ineffectual homemade devices at their much more powerful jailers in] Israel over and over [for attention or maybe just because they're hot blooded anti-Semites who read Hamas' charter stating what Hamas boasts it wants to do for which ALL Palestinians need to be collectively punished as if for the war crimes of Germany by war crimes being committed by Israel].

“Any person who was at Sydney Opera House chanting what they were chanting [calling for a ceasefire, calling for the end of war crimes, calling for peace in the Middle East] is an anti-Semite. It’s absolutely disgusting. [Hooray for our side, and everybody else is a disgusting animal that deserves to be genocidally exterminated].”

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