Thursday, October 19, 2023

Salt, Sand, and Suffering: Surf or Reflect?

Yiming Pureland Academy Center, 6/7/22; Saltwater Buddha (SWB Films, May 9, 2016); Amber Larson, CC Liu, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Saltwater Buddha: The Film (official trailer)
(SWB Films) Fed up with teenage life in the suburbs, Jaimal Yogis ran off to Hawaii with little more than a copy of a Buddhist classic, Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha, and enough cash for a surfboard. Now an author and father, Yogis recounts his journey from jungle hippie communes to Zen Buddhist monasteries, from the warm Pacific Ocean to the icy New York shore. Based on the internationally-acclaimed memoir, this is a chronicle of finding focus in the barrel of a wave and "truth" in the great salty blue. See the full-length film free.
Man, don't harsh my mellow with "suffering"

The Three Types of Suffering
(Yiming Pureland Academy Center) The Wisdom of the Lotus 莲花智慧 After the Buddha Shakyamuni [the Scythian Sage or "Sage of the Shakya Clan"] became enlightened under the Bodhi tree, the first teaching given by him was the Four Noble Truths:
  1. Truth of Suffering,
  2. Truth of the Cause of Suffering,
  3. Truth of the End of Suffering,
  4. Truth of the Path that Frees us from Suffering.
  • [Actually, the first teaching was the "Turning of the Wheel of Truth Sutra," which can be summarized as stating the Four Ennobling Truths implicitly; some say these four were made explicit and added on later. They are Buddhism in a nutshell, but they were not likely fully formed and spelled out right when the Buddha began to teach. They are of eminent importance, in Theravada Buddhism in particular, because they are what an enlightened individual realizes and penetrates as the insights that lead to liberation. The heart/mind lets go because one sees that these are true. Sadly, many misunderstand them, regard them as a list or a "faith" when nothing could be further from the truth. They are to be personally verified as a means of bringing an end to all suffering.]
By the first truth is the Buddha taught us that all sentient beings experience three types of suffering: 
  1. The suffering of pain
  2. The suffering of change
  3. The suffering of endless rebirth.
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