Saturday, October 28, 2023

The October Full Moon Celebration (10/28)

Renee A. (Meetup); Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly

[The Buddhist Sabbath Day]
Thus have I heard. At one time the Buddha was staying in Jetavana, in the monastery of Anathapindika (the generous Buddhist stream-enterer and multimillionaire), near the City of Savatthi.

At that time the Blessed One (the Buddha), having called all the meditators together, addressed them:


They answered in assent: "Venerable sir!" (They then prepared themselves for the following teaching).

The Blessed One gave the following teaching on the regular lunar observance days (uposatha). 

"Uposatha is comprised of eight factors a noble disciple observes, the observation of which brings glorious and radiant fruit and benefits.

"What is this uposatha which, observed by noble disciples, brings glorious and radiant fruit and benefits?"

Observing Eight Precepts on full and new moon days... More

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