Thursday, October 12, 2023

Truth is the first casualty of war

Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
They've done this to our group. We have to do it to their group, a Holocaust for Muslims! We're part of the beautiful people, white Ashkenazi Europeans: Identify with us. Hate them.

We define "intelligence" as disinformation.
"Claims have not yet been independently verified and should be treated with caution. In war, it can be advantageous for conflicting parties to deliberately spread misinformation to strengthen their own position or weaken the opponent's."
Israeli Jews (settler colonialists) are killing us
First, manipulate the media. Call in favors, get editors to do what they were hired to do, let the CIA show how they have anyone of any significance compromised and in their pocket. Next, manipulate ("manufacture consent") of the population by getting it to demand you do what you want and intend to do anyway.  Use euphemisms wherever possible. Frame the argument your way, calling it a "war" or "conflict" as if two states were involved or co-equals, when really it's a line of angry ants against a Goliath with backup (the whole US arsenal and intelligence agencies) at the ready.
Here's how a worldclass military (Israel) eradicates a native population (Gaza) (NY Post map)

Amnesty Int'l wants the world to know what Dictator Netanyahu is guilty of war crimes

Code Pink wants the world to tell US officials to "Stop arming Israeli apartheid!"

Jewish Voice for Peace shows there are Jews (Israeli nationals) who oppose Israels crimes
PR: We're human, unlike those dogs and roaches
Voices presenting an alternative to the mainstream media's propaganda echo chamber is hard to find. A few shows on Pacifica Free Speech Radio ( in LA, in Berkeley) have something.
This morning (10/12/23) Selena, a student activist, was explaining the crimes of "Zionist settler colonialism" for those who would hear the other side of the story. Every story has three sides (this side, that side, and the truth), but many of us are content to just hear one version of events or we are presented the appearance of second side by the first.

*Ironically* The Goddess Shani Loui, German-Israeli, must be saved at all costs. The others we'll use as pawns by saying, "This siege will not be over until ALL of the hostages are released [and of course when even they are released, nothing will change anyway]."
Reliable media is hard to find. Get many views
It's like Malcolm X warned long ago. If we listen only to the newspapers (the controlled media), they'll have us hating the very people who are being oppressed. "Truth is the first casualty of war," but there's no "war" here. That would take two states. This is one massive modern military power versus a non-organization of angry refugees suffering a 16-year-long blockade. War crimes are being committed, but we know nothing about that. Why? Voices are silenced, ignored, drowned out, threatened, made illegal. Imagine, information is becoming illegal.

Israel and Hamas and Disinformation
KPFK: Social media has been inundated with misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda in the wake of an attack on Israel by brigades and Israel's revenge and "collective punishment" (an international war crime) against the entire Gaza Strip open air prison. New reporting documents how Elon Musk's X/Twitter is allowing disinformation about the war to spread unchecked. Sunday Cartoons

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