Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Birth of a Nazi: American Barry Young

Deeksha, SK POP, 11/26/23; Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Who is Barry Young? Cause for alarm and Jewish panic? Or a Texas university graduate who sparks outrage over wearing a simple, hurtful swastika armband in front of a Jewish synagogue, saying "America first" rather than Israel (SK POP).
Leave him alone, he's just a baby! - He's 25. - Ah
Who is this all-American, newly minted neo-Nazi named Barry Young?

The Texas State University graduate has sparked outrage over wearing a swastika armband in front of a Jewish synagogue because he opposes Israel and all the money America wastes on imperial projects -- promoting militarism and settler colonialism, no matter how much money is wasted or suffering wrought on earth.

An incident involving a 25-year-old resident from Plano, Texas, identified as Barry Young, recently came to light.

He sparked outrage online for allegedly engaging in "antisemitic" activities because he doesn't like American foreign policy on Israel.

I like this Goyim's chutzpah. Call the Mossad and Shin Bet to use him as valuable propaganda.
Young, who graduated from college, was reportedly seen holding a offensive sign and wearing a swastika armband while standing outside a synagogue, a Jewish temple, where attendees might be offended. What was this American citizen thinking?!

According to StopAntisemites on Twitter, the individual is reportedly associated with the Goyim [the Yiddish word for "Gentiles"] Defense League (GDL) and operates on the social media platform GAB under the name "Baby Face."

This must be a conspiracy theory. This could not possibly be true (rense.com)
It must be a strange coincidence. They can't ALL be Jewish (rense.com)
Barry Young does not care about Muslims or Jews, just Americans, white Americans.
They call me an "antisemite" in my beloved Palestine, Mea Shearim, Jerusalem (NK USA)
Well, Barry Young is an adult and an American.
TRIGGER WARNING: The following article contains mentions of antisemitism. Reader discretion is advised. (Wear pearls to have something to clutch).

As per Mr. Young's LinkedIn profile, he works as a salesperson at Sherwin Williams paints. But his professional background also includes an internship at the political consulting firm Macias Strategies, where he was involved in organizing, fact-checking, and editing web pages. He collected information using internet databases and interacted with clients and volunteers.

A picture of him wearing the swastika armband is now doing the rounds on the internet, which has left many social media users outraged.

It is also worth noting that this adds to the growing concern about Jewish alarmism that there's always a surge in antisemitic sentiments and activities globally.
He carries a sign to protest
Many Americans feel the same about violent Israel and petition Biden to make peace (AI).
Protesters hold up "antisemitic" sign.
Earlier, on October 8, Barry Young was allegedly spotted standing alongside neo-Nazi Ronald Murray outside the Cathedral of Hope.

He was reportedly seen throwing up a Hitler salute (seig heil) while holding up Jewish imagery, as per @StopAntisemites on X.

They're ALL antisemites. Zionism rules.
"Disgusting individual": Social media users react to picture of Barry Young wearing a swastika band. Several social media users took to the comments section of @StopAntisemites' Twitter post and reacted to the picture of Barry Young by calling him "disgusting."

People also tagged Sherwin Williams, hoping to get him fired because that Young is currently working is unthinkable. They asked the organization to sack him immediately.

They're making me out to be other when I'm not.
It is worth noting that Jewish organizations insist there has been a surge in cases of antisemitism. The recent increase has been noted in schools and universities in the US and Canada.

The US has seen four times as many cases as usual since the October 7 Isarel-Palestine conflict began, according to the Anti-Defamation League, which tries to find ways to frame the data in the most shocking way possible.

France has reportedly witnessed 1,040 incidents of "alleged" antisemitism since Oct. 7, prompting Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin to express alarm over the sharp rise.

Meanwhile, the UK has reported about three times more hate crimes against Jews. The growing threats and violence have become a cause for concern, even alarm, prompting the Israeli government to offer advice to its citizens.

Ashkenazi Zionist Jewish supremacists exist?
[Many Jews in the West are dual citizens who really live in Israel out of guilt and a sense of obligation, except they prefer life in the West, so they are free to go back and forth to build up Zionist numbers.]

Israel advised Jews not to travel abroad and to avoid displaying Israeli and Jewish symbols outwardly while doing so, according to the Jewish ChronicleMore
This is about land and money.
What did we learn? Next to nothing. What motivates Barry Young? Who knows. Maybe watching the news or not understanding the European dream of Zionism or wishing that Jews would do their settler colonialism without charging the U.S. government for their project like this country did when it mostly independently killed off the Indians on this land for millennia before Europeans invaded.

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