Wednesday, November 15, 2023

How to get cleaner wetter water in drops

Dr. Patrick Flanagan, M.D. (; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
Hunza Valley, Hunza Land, Indo-Pakistan, Himalayas (Hindu Kush) idyllic land of longevity.
American invention by Dr. Flanagan
American Irish genius Dr. Patrick Flanagan, MD, Ph.D., was a kind of Nikola Tesla. In junior high school he invented a device that could detect missile launches (and possibly nuclear detonations) anywhere in the world. It was just a school project built with ordinary Radio Shack parts, totaling about US$5. Had he spent $20, it could have really been something. The powers that be (in the form of the FBI) showed up at his school to confiscate the device and steal the technology behind it. They seemed to have asked him if he had any other inventions or ideas. He did. One of them was a clear liquid made of H20, silica, and minerals to purify water. He called it Crystal Energy (Hunza water with Phi Sciences "Flanagan microclusters" for catalytic "wetter water." He talked about it to Lisa Garr on Pacifica Free Speech Radio KPFK's The Aware Show years ago. What else did he invent?

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