Monday, November 13, 2023

Is it time to exterminate ALL Palestinians?

I. Rony, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; Novara Media, 11/13/23; Emily Callahan, Anderson Cooper, CNN, 11/6/23; Omer Bartov, Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!
The hospitals in Gaza find themselves in a "catostrophic situation" (
“All Palestinians” should die, says Florida politician (echoed by most Republicans)
We have to help IDF with a better PR campaign
(Novara Media) Nov. 10, 2023: Novara Live broadcasts every weekday from 6:00 pm on YouTube and Twitch. Episodes of Downstream are released Sundays at 6:00 pm on YouTube. Help fund people-powered media? To be ready for next year, NM needs 5,000 to join as regular supporters and back its work.
(CNN) US nurse who got out of Gaza describes desperation she saw
because of Israel's war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza

American nurse who got out of Gaza describes desperation she saw
(CNN) Nov. 6, 2023: CNN's Anderson Cooper speaks with Emily Callahan, an American nurse with Doctors Without Borders, who gives a harrowing description of what she witnessed in Gaza as she was attempting to get out of the area. #CNN #News

"Clear intention of ethnic cleansing": Jewish Holocaust scholar Omer Bartov warns of Israeli genocide in Gaza
(Democracy Now!) Nov. 10, 2023: Jewish Israeli American scholar Omer Bartov, one of the world's leading experts on the Holocaust (when Jews were ethnically cleansed from Hiter's Germany), says Israel's brutal assault on the Gaza Strip is at risk of becoming a genocide.

Israel, US flags in Rio, Brazil (
The monthlong air bombardment and ground assaults has murdered more than 11,000 Palestinians in the besieged enclave, a majority of them women and children and noncombatants trapped with nowhere to go, just being exterminated where they stand or attempt to sleep. Israel has also severely limited the incoming movement of water, food, fuel, medicine, humanitarian aid, and other essentials into Gaza.

Israeli flag in Milan expo (
Bartov says Israel's disproportionate killing of civilians, as well as dehumanizing statements by Israeli leaders and suggestions of mass expulsion, dispossession, and dislocation are of grave concern.

He recently joined hundreds of lawyers and academics in signing an open letter warning about Israel's violations of international law in Gaza. "There is an indication that there are war crimes happening in Gaza, potentially also crimes against humanity," says Bartov. "If this so-called operation continues, that may become ethnic cleansing…and that may become genocide." Latest Shows

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