Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Israel bombed hospital, lied about it? (video)

WSJ issues BOMBSHELL report on Gaza hospital strike with conflicting accounts: Rising reacts
(The Hill) Oct. 28, 2023: WASHINGTON, D.C. Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave give updates about [Israel's war crime in first threatening to then actually] bombing al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza. [Their claim is that the hospital is underground Hamas Central, but after bombing it and getting a bad reaction, they presented a fabricated piece of evidence, which was a spliced together "conversation" between two unrelated parties who seem to acknowledge that a third party, not Israel and not Hamas, did it by accident. And they present nonsense video that does NOT show what they claim. But if it worked to get the heat off them for a little while, mission accomplished!] #hospitalbombing #palestine Oct. 25, 2023 • Israel or Gaza! NYT, WSJ Issue CONFLICTING...?

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