Thursday, November 30, 2023

OBIT: The dead monster Henry Kissinger

A. Goodman (Democracy Now, 11/30/23); Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Henry Kissinger looking like a Star Wars figure "Jabba the Hutt" (Thomas Peter/Reuters)
Kissinger: America's Most Controversial
U.S. genocidal Sec'y of State Henry Kissinger, who came from Nazi Germany as a teen, is dead at the age of 100. The former U.S. statesman served as national security adviser and secretary of state for Pres. Nixon and Pres. Ford at the height of the Cold War and wielded influence over U.S. foreign policy for decades afterward.
  • No one gave a better assessment and obituary for U.S. War Adviser Henry Kissinger than now deceased Anthony Bourdain. He is quoted in this Democracy Now! video.
His direct actions led to genocide, massacres, illegal bombings, coups, destabilizations, profits for corporate war profiteers, leaving a bloody legacy in Catholic Latin America, Buddhist Southeast Asia, and beyond.

100 years of monstrous advice to US
Security Adviser Kissinger began ruining the U.S. and sending us down a genocidal path since leaving Harvard for Washington, DC, which would only be about 75 years of monstrous advice. However bad he was, those who took his advice must also be held to account.

I'm not a monster. I'm a human animal.
Once out of office, Kissinger continued until his death to advise U.S. presidents and other top officials who celebrate him as a visionary diplomat.

Yale University historian Greg Grandin says those glowing obituaries only reveal “the moral bankruptcy of the [American] political establishment” that ignores how Kissinger’s actions may have led to the deaths of three or four million people across the planet.


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