Monday, November 20, 2023

Joe Biden condones slaughter, pardons two

Kathryn Watson, CBS News, 11/20/23; Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Mmm, that bird looks good. Pres. Biden pardons national Thanksgiving turkeys Liberty and Bell during ceremony on South Lawn of the White House on Nov. 20, 2023 (CBS News/Getty Images).
CBS News: Biden pardons two Thanksgiving turkeys, Liberty and Bell
Even turkeys aren't safe from Molester-in-Chief.
U.S. Pres. Biden pardoned two lucky turkeys today to mark the 76th anniversary of the National Thanksgiving Turkey Ceremony, one of the time-honored, albeit quirky, White House traditions.

"I [give two gravy boats about the rest of them but] hereby pardon Liberty and Bell! Alright," the president said to applause.

"Congratulations, birds! Congratulations."

Leave your door unlocked, I'll see you tonight.
[The president was happy to keep two alive, presumably to make out with on the lawn before their mothers returned for them, while doing nothing about the babies in Gaza, other than suggesting to Netanyahu that maybe he consider pausing a little, just a tiny bit for some humanitarian aid to be snuck in or backing the genocide completely and covering for Israel in spite of international condemnation and outrage, and even getting into the fight, risking American lives by sending ships and weapons into the region to fight Iran and anyone the CIA is willing to call a "proxy."]
Biden enjoys incestuous grooming-kiss with grandkid, Finnegan Biden, who needs inheritance.
Don't worry, we have spares (body doubles).
Liberty and Bell hail from Willmar, Minnesota and have been staying in a room at the luxurious Willard InterContinental Hotel near the White House, as is custom. 

"These birds have a new appreciation of the word, 'let freedom ring,'" Mr. Biden said, reading a line written for him poorly. He's only aging and getting more enfeebled. This year's turkey pardon ceremony happens to fall on Mr. Biden's 81st birthday [and Chinese dictator Xi's wife, as Joe clumsily reminded him at APEC].

Grandpa's sexy and loves me.
The president doesn't have any other plans on his public schedule [because it's time for another golf vacation or maybe a visit to the plastic surgeon for some touch ups].

"I just want you to know it's difficult turning 60," the president attempted to joke, adding that he wasn't present for the first turkey pardoning event. On a more somber note, the president switched gears to remember deceased former first lady Rosalynn Carter, who died Sunday at the age of 96 [while former Pres. Jimmy Carter keeps kicking at 99 in hospice care or assisted living].

I prefer my sexy grandkids to Jill, that bookworm and dud.

One indicted for war crimes yet not the other
"This week, we'll gather with the people we love and the traditions that each of us have built up in our own families," Mr. Biden said. "We'll also think about the loved ones we've lost, including just yesterday when we lost former first lady Rosalynn Carter, who walked her own path, inspiring a nation and the world along the way. And let's remind ourselves that we're blessed to live in the greatest nation on this face of the earth."

I'm a young 81 and doing a bang-up job. Watch how big the BANG I make is going to be.
The origin of the presidential turkey pardon ceremony is a bit murky. Pres. Harry Truman was the first president to hold a photo-op at the White House with a turkey he received from the National Turkey Federation and the Poultry and Egg National Board.

The White House says Truman began the tradition, but that's a claim the Truman Library and Museum has disputed.

It's also possible the ritual began with Pres. Abraham Lincoln after his son urged his father to spare the bird they had planned to slaughter and devour for Christmas.

The take home message? Protect your birds.

This year's turkeys, which hatched in July, were sent to the White House from the Jennie-O Turkey Store.
Jennie-O says the turkeys have been "receiving the five-star treatment befitting turkeys of their stature." Liberty and Bell will retire to a University of Minnesota farm in the Twin Cities.

Hey, Kids, want to touch my Peeping Tom?
[Or the poultry may be given to Hamas who will torture them by turning them over to the IDF who will slaughter them and smear their blood on doors before bombing them in mimicry or mockery of American Christian holy day celebrations, presumably. Too dark? Hah, soldiers on a killing spree would never do anything like that]. More + VIDEO

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