Saturday, November 25, 2023

US has recovered 10 space alien bodies, 11/27/23; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Government whistleblower [or disinformation agent] David Grusch testifies under oath.

There are the functionary semi-synthetic Greys and the tall "angelic" Nordic ETs in charge.

According to Bridget Nielson of Arizona, some ETs are breeding with us, producing hybrids.

There is an almanac of many ET species.
A U.S. military whistleblower says the U.S. government has retrieved at least TEN space alien bodies from UFO crashes.

Speaking on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, whistleblower David Charles Grusch said the number of crashes recorded was in "double digits" and that the number of extraterrestrial bodies recovered was "up there as well, just like with the retrievals."

Stanford U professor tied to CIA says we are "100 percent" sure they are already here.

There are at least 52 known kinds of space aliens who visit or have visited earth.
ETs really are real.
Former U.S. intelligence officer Mr. Grusch stunned the world earlier this year when he alleged the government had evidence of "intact and partially intact" alien vehicles and "biologicals."

The revelations led, in part, to a special congressional hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP, formerly referred to as UFOs), at which Grusch and two other witnesses testified.

Under oath he repeated his claims, adding that humans had been "harmed" in an attempt to cover up the information.

Grusch says Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid confirmed the U.S. government had retrieved UFOs.

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid knows but is denied access (Drew Angerer/Getty).
Where to find them to be abducted?
Grusch has made clear he himself has not had any direct interactions with UAP/UFOs or space aliens, but he has spoken to dozens of sources, including a former senator.

Talking about a meeting with U.S. Senator Harry Reid, he said: “So I’m in Harry Reid’s living room, with some other witnesses, and he says, 'Yeah, I knew we have UFO material. I was denied access for decades'.”

And I was like, “did he just confirm this to me?"' More

We mean earth no harm, but there's a Federation to think of

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