Sunday, November 12, 2023

When Taylor Swift was an UGLY duckling

Daily Express US, 11/12/23; Dino Creek; A Wells, CC Liu, Ananda (DBM), Wisdom Quarterly

Hey, everyone, look at me!
I'm the hottest! Have you seen my boyfriend Kelce?! He's the best! I've always been beautiful, the most! It just comes natural...well, not always, Britney busted me with the evidence. She posted it without asking, when I was a hog-dog or like a fat tabby cat with wet hair. I'dunno, I'm hot now, so who cares? Haters, suck it!! Taylor Swift unrecognizable in backstage throwback photo shared by Britney Spears
No, but seriously, not good. Potential not clear.
Dexter of Offspring must have copied Taylor
Taylor as Dexter of Offspring fan? (
Lose those glasses, get Invisalign, you'll be all right
Olivia Rodrigo figured it out: Taylor's a "Vampire," ugly on the inside. Has that changed?

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