Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Zionist Jews are worst RACISTS, says Jew

Miko Peled with Host Paul Jay, Reality Asserts Itself, The Real News Network, 12/12/16; Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The Jewish general's son: From privileged Zionist Jew to activist for Palestinian rights
(The Real News Network) On Reality Asserts Itself (RAI), Jewish Miko Peled tells Paul Jay that he's come to understand about the Israeli occupation and apartheid of Palestinian lands.

"Conspiracy theories" against Jews or just coincidences or something rotten about Israel?
"Hurt people hurt people" - victims of racism sometimes become worst perpetrators of it.
Orthodox Jews reject Israel.
It did not begin in 1948. That is when it culminated. Peled broke with the liberal Zionist belief in the "secularization of the Bible."

The Bible is not a history book, its biblical figures are not historical figures, and tracing some imagined lineage from the ancient Middle East to modern Europe (Ashkenazi racism) for the purpose of saying, "We own this land" is the racist mission -- not actually sanctioned by the British, as many have been led to believe, because its Balfour Agreement states that the people already living on the land, the "Palestinians" and their land, will be respected --  of inventing a "Jewish state" on top of other peoples' heads even if that means exterminating them like "vermin," a Nazi (and Trumpian) sentiment due to Hitler's rhetoric.

Those people are called "Palestinians," which racist Zionist Jews say, "are not a people and have never been a people and will never be allowed to be a people...because only 'Jews' are actual people."

Peled says BDS (the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Israel movement) is an effective strategy that should be supported by all caring people around the world, other than Zionists, who should view it as an existential threat to their genocidal project in Palestine.
Blaming "Jews" for everything bad, when many Ultra-Orthodox have lived at peace alongside Muslims, Arabs, and Christians for centuries until European Jews (the Ashkenazim) arrived.

Let's get to know the Jews

I will be dictator one day. The CIA promised me.
It's doubtful there are even 1 million American Jews, much less 7 million, a number we have never heard, which would mean there are more Jews in the U.S. than in all of Israel. Jews are a minority in Israel, which is why a constitution cannot be ratified, a legal state declared, and an actual functioning democracy established: If it were, Jews would be in the minority. Few Jews want to move to this Zionist settler colonial project of perpetual war, forced enlistment, and genocide and ethnic cleansing, apartheid and illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine (e.g., in the West Bank), and constant state spying and oppression involuntary detention without charge, torture, and murder with impunity. Israel has to keep lying, because if people knew the truth, the whole colonial project might fall apart.

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