Sunday, December 17, 2023

Israeli war crimes: bulldozing human beings

Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Israel bulldozed (crushing many innocent civilians) and shelled Kamal Adwan, the only hospital in northern Gaza
(Al Jazeera English) Al Jazeera is funded in whole or in part by the Qatari government. Dec. 16, 2023: Days of intensive Israeli terrorist bombardment massacring civilians and noncombatants in war crimes of "collective punishment," have left the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza barely functional. It was the only working hospital in the North of Gaza…and one of only eleven still open in the entire Israeli-occupied territory. (Though illegal Israeli settlements were famously removed, the Israeli military never left but remained as a brutal occupying force). Al Jazeera's Tareq Abou Azzoum reports from Rafah. #AlJazeeraEnglish #AlJazeeraLiveNews #AlJazeera

Disturbing video: Israeli terrorists (IDF) bulldoze people at Kamal Adwan Hospital, burying dozens alive
(The Free Press Journal) Dec. 17, 2023: Israeli troopers stormed Kamal Adwan Hospital in North Gaza, bulldozing parts of it and brutally crushing inhabited tents outside. Dozens of human beings, displaced individuals, along with sick and wounded civilian Gaza patients injured by Israel's military, were purposely and tragically buried alive. Israel's occupation bulldozers also trampled the tents of displaced people in the hospital yard, probably by accident because Israel would never commit a war crime or atrocity on purpose, right? They're not that crazy.

#latestnews #breakingnews #israelpalestineconflict #palestinian #hamasvsisrael #gaza #kamaladwanhospital #northgaza #razed

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