Saturday, December 16, 2023

Jewish rap war song vs. Jews AGAINST Israel

Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Shauna Schwartz, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly; The Jerusalem Post; Al Jazeera English; The Jimmy Dore ShowNBC News;; Dec. 2023

Israel bulldozes, shells humans and hospital: Kamal Adwan was only hospital in northern Gaza
(Al Jazeera English) Dec. 16, 2023:  Days of intensive Israeli bombardment of the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza have left it barely functional. It was the only working hospital in the North of Gaza…and one of only 11 still open in the country occupied territory. Al Jazeera's Tareq Abou Azzoum reports from Rafah. #KamalAdwan #GazaEmergency #GazaHealthSystem

Israelis are embracing antisemitism (Arab-hatred)
Ness Ve Stilla is Nessya Levi and Dor Soroker, two novice musicians just starting their careers. Their racist song is an angry rap tune that many young Jewish Israelis are embracing, according to mainstream media spin in the West. It has nearly eight million views on YouTube and millions more on Spotify, with several remixes.

It has topped all the Israeli charts and looks set for the top spot in the year-end music polls voted on by radio listeners [or manipulated by the powers that be in this police state]. “Harbu Darbu” (or "Harbo Darbo") is the mockery of an Arabic war cry from Syria that has crossed over into Hebrew slang.

Israeli dissidents expose Zionist
Israel's intent of GENOCIDE
Genocide is hard to prove because one must show intent: Israel's own words

Killing for state of Israel is cool

The song is a departure from the apolitical or mournful songs that Israeli music lovers have been turning to since it launched its war on October 7, when Hamas retaliated after years of Israeli oppression, killing perhaps 1,000 Israelis [a number constantly being downgraded from early exaggerations to stir up Jewish sentiments for revenge, war, and crimes against humanity against Gazans], despite government number exaggeration and atrocity propaganda about what went on that day.

Hey, man, turn up the rap as we depopulate Gaza!
Captives were taken that Israel was happy to kill in accordance with its Hannibal Doctrine, which entitles that military to murder anyone taken hostage to spare the state of Israel grief having to work out their release by releasing Palestinian hostages it takes by the thousands, including and imprisoning and torturing Arab children. The attack resulted in the deaths of youngish Israeli militants and IDF veterans. Over 350 of them took place at the Nova Music Festival, where Israel retaliated with indiscriminate fire and hellfire missile attacks, charring many Jewish Israelis so badly they could not readily be identified as friendly fire victims, thus pumping up the Oct. 7 numbers.

Nearly all the attendees and staff were in their 20s and 30s, many of them armed and on active duty, and a new generation of racist Israelis is being thrown into a fight to die for Israel's settler colonial project of committing genocide or ethnic cleansing of all of Palestine, one or the other.
  • Related video: Israel-Hamas war | Israeli media: IDF dismissed warnings that Oct 7 music festival was going to be attacked (WION), but Netanyahu's government says it only knew about Hamas' attack on the Supernova Music Festival as an exercise
We will exterminate them, IDF spokesperson
Pro- “war songs give a feeling of togetherness and solidarity [like this genocide is being done by all of us for all of us, rather than just the older generation doing all the killing, occupation, and oppression],” noted Wachs.

“They are a kind of collective therapy, a rallying point of what we feel [so we can kill in a biblical sense, treating our opponents as Amalek and feeling justified in anything we do to them with US support for our war crimes and Jewish supremacy, many of us being European and white taking out dirty Arabs and exterminating them and such].” More: Israelis embracing the anger expressed in racist pro-war rap song 'Harbu Darbu' (Jerusalem Post via MSN edited by WQ)
Hasidic Jews AGAINST Israel

Hostages were waving white flag when killed by Israeli troops, Israel's military says
Another Jew supporting divestment (JVP)
(10 Tampa Bay) Dec. 16, 2023: Three Israeli hostages who were "mistakenly" [or purposely executed in accordance with Israel's stated aim of following the Hannibal Doctrine to kill Israeli Jews taken hostage] shot by Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip had been waving a white flag and were shirtless when they were murdered, a military official said Saturday, in Israel's first such acknowledgement of harming any Jewish "hostages" in its war on Palestinians, claiming they are all Hamas (or "ISIS" as Israel likes to say).

Anger over the mistaken killings is likely to increase pressure on the Israeli government to renew Qatar-mediated ceasefire negotiations with Hamas over swapping more of the remaining captives, believed to number more than 130, for Palestinians Israel has arrested and imprisoned in Israel as pawns for just such swaps.
Hamas has conditioned further captive releases on Israel halting its genocidal air campaign and ground assault on Gaza, while Israeli leaders have said the hostages' release can only be achieved by more killing of civilians [aka "collateral damage" or they're all Hamas anyways so who cares if we kill them] through military pressure.

Boycott until the siege of Gaza ends
The account of how the hostages died raised questions about the conduct of Israeli ground troops. Palestinians on several occasions have reported that Israeli soldiers opened fire as civilians tried to flee to safety. Hamas has claimed other captives were previously killed by Israeli "friendly fire" or precision targeted airstrikes, without presenting enough evidence [because how does one convict Israel of anything when there's no international court where the US is not providing diplomatic cover for Israeli war crimes, crimes against humanity, atrocities, or illegal acts?] for the mainstream media to find such claims credible. More (

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